Search results

  1. AshFrancis

    Dash Bus Blake & Direct Youtuber Outreach

    Blake Chamness also know as 'Dash Bus Blake' and 'Blake X' has recently asked on Discord how he can serve Dash better. Blake has been a long term Dash Advocate for over a year now, he's not been financially motivated and has asked for basic amounts in order to help Dash succeed. He's been a...
  2. AshFrancis

    Would you like to see Dash Watch evaluate proposals?

    Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Dash Watch in any professional capacity, I just think this discussion would be a useful one for the community to have. Recently I have seen a demand for proposal due-diligence both from discussions with various masternode owners, proposal owners and a...
  3. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Proposal Link | eWallet Site Thank you for all the support and valuable feedback we received both in private and on our proposal. We're really looking forward to showing you what we can do and absolutely committed to giving you a fantastic return on budget spend (ROBS?). As per our proposal...
  4. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    Our proposal is now live - thank you for all the support! PDF Link (In case of rendering issues) Budget: 25 Dash per month for 8 months in escrow through Dash core team. Creating a better user experience to both increase Dash adoption in the UK and to improve Dash marketing. Summary The...