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  1. AlejandroE

    Pre-poposal: DASH REMITTANCES - Increasing the supply of Dash in Venezuela

    Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the pre-proposal for Dash Remittances - The best way to increase the supply of Dash in Venezuela! 1- MAIN OBJECTIVE: Dash Remittances aims to increase the supply of Dash in Venezuela in an organic way, so we can scale the community, the...
  2. AlejandroE

    Dash Merchant Venezuela - Massive Adoption Program (Updates + News)

    DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - UPDATES MONTH #1 Start: May 1st, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLARIFICATION: We won't ask for more funds until we reach our main goal: 2000 merchants...
  3. AlejandroE

    Dash Help Venezuela - Support Center (Updates + News)

    DASH HELP VENEZUELA - UPDATES #1 This is a crossed post at Pre-Proposal: Dash Help Venezuela ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Dash Community, we are pleased to officially announce the...
  4. AlejandroE

    Pre-Proposal: DASH MERCHANT VENEZUELA - MASSIVE ADOPTION PROGRAM (2000 merchants in 3 months)

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear MNO's, this is an interview with Craig Mason where we talk about the details of our proposal. Let us know your comments and questions. (Many thanks...
  5. AlejandroE

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Help - Venezuela (Customer Support Center)

    ROI / BENEFITS OF THIS PROPOSAL FOR DASH: 1- Help Dash achieves its #1 goal: Our support center will convert people who don't know how to use Dash in a day to day basis, into real time users. 2- Understand user needs and solve users problems, as the #1 Dash Strategy for Growth. 3- We will be...
  6. AlejandroE

    What if "Alerts" is changed for "Notifications" instead?

    It is only a tiny detail but I think "Alert" is more used for emergency cases, instead of Notifications, its only a change to make forum more friendly. Your opinion and thoughts are highly valuable. Thanks!!
  7. AlejandroE

    Which are 3 weak points (challenges) for DASH?

    Im convinced that DASH will be the Money of the future in a few years and im a really fan of this project. But we know there isnt exist perfect things. So, could someone tell me 3 weak points (or challenges) that DASH has for the near future?. I would appreciate a LOT you valuable opinion!