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  1. Koromoto

    Guide to forking Dash up to the genesis block?

    Hey guys, I'd like to fork Dash to play with tokens in my continuous research about solving world commerce and instant payment so any pointers on how to do that would be highly appreciated. I'll also create a very specific wallet with vanity numbers and instant exchange between X-DASH and fiat...
  2. Koromoto

    Guide to forking Dash up to the genesis block?

    Hey guys, I'd like to fork Dash to play with tokens in my continuous research about solving world commerce and instant payment so any pointers on how to do that would be highly appreciated. I'll also create a very specific wallet with vanity numbers and instant exchange between X-DASH and fiat...
  3. Koromoto

    Spammers found their way in

    Isn't there any moderation queue?
  4. Koromoto

    CryptoKitties craze slows down transactions on Ethereum

    CryptoKitties craze slows down transactions on Ethereum I believe contracts are not a good idea to have attached to a cryptocurrency, they should be in their own network just for cases like this and they have a very valid purpose: to keep an open...
  5. Koromoto

    Dash coin subdivisions

    Approaching $1000 per DASH I guess it's time to start using millis as the equivalent for dollars while doing conversions. So what are the names of subdivisions in DASH like millis, minis, micros, nanos, satoshis? Is that even a thing?
  6. Koromoto

    Dash Tokens

    Here is an idea for creating tokens to be used as a replacement for fiat in every country in the world, spearheading the digital commerce revolution. First of all US-DASH, then EU-DASH, JP-DASH, AF-DASH for Africa, LA-DASH for Latin America, CN-DASH for China, IN-DASH for India, etc. The idea...
  7. Koromoto

    Proposal: Help Venezuela digitize its economy

    We all know Venezuela is facing one of the worst economic catastrophes the world has ever seen which is slowing down productivity to levels of emergency and humanitarian crisis. We need to protect our currency in order to build trust again and to enable the digital economy to flourish. Right now...