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    Scaling Issue | Incentivised nodes vs Lightening Network

    I have been doing some research lately on the scaling issue with blockchain technology over the last year or two. I have been invested in Dash since before this was as big of an issue as it is today or rather before it was realised to be the magnitude of issue it is. I decided some time ago now...

    Inbound port is not open please open it and try again

    Hi, I've set up a fair few Masternodes and managed to update with no issues until now. This latest update 10.15.13 has caused the this message to show up: Inbound port is not open please open it and try again This happens when entering "masternode start (password). I've tried completely...

    Withdrawal of Master Node payments?

    Hi, I've done a search but couldn't seem to find anything regarding how to withdraw Master Node payments/interest generated @ 20%. I was wondering is it safe to just withdraw the payments/interest so that you’re left with the 1000 DRK balance in the Master Node wallet? Or do you have to use some...