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  1. DrkMiner

    2 Masternodes on same server

    Hello, I have a masternode running on a server with no issues. Since I have enough ram and cpu on my VPS I'm considering adding a second masternode. 1) I added a second IP (ubuntu) 2) To where do I have to upload the new masternode files and how to I bind the new IP to that new masternode...
  2. DrkMiner

    Faucet Script

    Hello, I'm looking for a faucet script. I have seen a few for bitcoins, but would like to know if anyone has a script that was modified for darkcoin. Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!
  3. DrkMiner

    P2Pool Owners Please Update

    Some P2pool owners didn't update to the latest version. We see the nodes finding block often. ex. blocks: 206792 206791 These nodes are still on the wrong chain (different global hashrate). Check the latests blocks found:
  4. DrkMiner

    Recompile code from source

    He I'm trying to recompile the latest version V. 11. In the previous versions This command worked. (guess makefile.unix is not good anymore) cd darkcoin/src make -f makefile.unix darkcoind What command should I use now? Thanks!
  5. DrkMiner

    Auto restart the Masternode

    To insure your MN is up all times or auto start after reboot, I wrote a small script that checks every 2 minutes if the Node is up and restart it if not. Recently Digitaloncean been doing some upgrades and Nodes were rebooted. Check if the service darkcoind is running and if not start it 1...
  6. DrkMiner

    Masternode start-many Guide

    Masternode start-many Guide The command Masternode start-many is still under development and might not function as good as the regular setup! Running and updating several Masternodes means you must have a separate wallet containing the 1000 DRK for each node. All wallets and their data folders...
  7. DrkMiner

    Facebook sets up 'dark web' link to access network via Tor

  8. DrkMiner

    P2pool Update to 15.13 Onyx

    Hi, Adding the new "commit" to p2pool-dark gives errors and doesn't work. The only code that I edited was in p2pool/bitcoin/ : version=70043 Now I'm running the pool ONLY with the edit of...
  9. DrkMiner

    Cryptsy Referrer

    After all the problems with mintpal i open an account with Cryptsy. In my dashboard I'm asked "who referred me". Not sure if that gives any credits or trading discounts to the referrer. Does has one?? if not will use the first person that posts it. Edit: Referrer Trade Key
  10. DrkMiner

    WTB 900 DRK

    Hi, Would like to buy 900 DRK. Thanks!
  11. DrkMiner

    P2Pool Error

    Hi, I'm having a problem with my P2pool. 1) Memory usage has increased and with time it keeps using more. Could it be memory leakage? (Every update seams to use more memory). 2) pool crashes: Error while calling getinfo: 2014-09-25 16:40:56.496340 > Traceback (most recent call last)...
  12. DrkMiner

    Hosting 5 Master Nodes

    Currently I'm running 5 MN with Digitalocean. 5 droplets, $25 per month. It there a cheaper yet reliable hosting options to host 5 MN? (each MN earns DRK more than $5 per month, just want to see what options I have) Thanks!
  13. DrkMiner - Slow/Missing data

    Hi, Why is very slow to update. Takes sometimes 2 days to display the transactions. 1000 deposit for MN sent yesterday (still doesn't show): Showed minuets after it was sent...
  14. DrkMiner

    Update Master Node to RC4

    Hi, I updated my 2 MN to RC4 10.12.27 darkcoind is running without problems. I restarted the cold wallet "successfully started masternode" Id been close to 1 hour and i can't see my server on list Not even my IP :9999 : 0 My IP's not show on the network. Any idea what could be the...
  15. DrkMiner

    DRK network hashrate

    Hi, I'm seeing big fluctuations in network hashrate. it was at 130.27 GH/s and now down to 86.27 GH/s. Why such big differences? I get the info from P2Pool status.
  16. DrkMiner

    Mintpal - successful attack on VeriCoin, lost a considerable amount "A few hours ago we were unfortunately the subject of a successful attack against the exchange. Our investigations have shown that whilst our security was breached, VeriCoin was the target. We would like to stress that...
  17. DrkMiner

    MasterNode listed and inactive

    Hi, I have 2 node which were listed and active. After the upgrade to 10.11.04 today, only one node is listed AND active. Tried to reboot/restart, but that didn't help. Any ideas?
  18. DrkMiner

    How to Install Masternode RC3

    Hello, OS: Ubuntu 12.04.4 x64 Digialocean hosting Server and SSH, ports were secured etc... I having problems with installation and would appreciate if someone could help. My steps: 1. sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libdb5.1 libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev 2. wget...
  19. DrkMiner

    [WTB] 999 Darkcoin for BTC

    Hello, Looking to buy 999 DRK. Payment with BTC. Please PM. Thanks!