Search results

  1. DRKLord

    A Filthy Darkcoin Heist (and what I learned from it)...

    Hey guys, I'm going to tell you all a story about something really eff'ed up that happened to me recently, and remind you of how important it is to take your computer and financial security seriously to avoid anything like this happening to you. I was sloppy and careless, and I almost lost a...
  2. DRKLord

    [SERVICE] DRKLord's Currency & Precious Metals Brokerage

    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The DRK Lord's Brokerage Services _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Currency Exchange Services Convert...
  3. DRKLord

    Platform-agnostic .NET/Mono framework? perhaps even a wallet?

    This is just a thought I've been having and wondering about... Thanks to the Mono Framework, I've been able to pull off cross-platform projects using C# and deploy them on Windows, Linux and Mac systems (as long as they had either the .NET Framework or Mono installed). I once wrote a...
  4. DRKLord

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    As my first major undertaking for the Darkcoin Project, I'm going to work on a UI over-haul with a number of new features, enhancements and improved visuals. As the "new guy" on the dev team, I'm still familiarizing myself with the source and learning to work with the team and new technologies...
  5. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2x AntMiner S-1 ASIC miners & PSUs (for DRK/BTC/USD)

    I've decided to sell my two AntMiner S-1 ASIC miners. I've been running them about 2 months now and they've earned me a good bit of coin and more than paid for themselves. Initially, I was earning around 0.03 BTC per day. But with the Bitcoin network difficulty creeping up on me, I'm not sure...
  6. DRKLord

    [WTB] $200.00 USD worth of DRK or BTC

    Good evening DarkcoinTalk, I have about $200.00 USD in cash in-hand and I'm looking to spend on some DRK or BTC. I can pay using any of the following methods: MoneyPak Vanilla Reload cash deposit in your bank account money order certified check Western Union MoneyGram open to other...
  7. DRKLord

    "Frozen Transactions": Why it happens and how to fix it...

    "Frozen Transactions" : Why it Happens and How to Fix it! If my walk-through is helpful to you and saves you some tears and grief, I would be most grateful for any tips or friendly donations you send my way: XvWrvpERfUN8r1LB9JDMZS3Yu2rSfEYrHk :grin: Have you ever tried to send a regular...
  8. DRKLord

    Seeking ASP-dotNET web designer(s) / artist(s)

    Hey everyone, A good friend of mine (ttille) and I have just acquired the domain (as well as drkcharts) and intend to develop it into a site similar to, one of the biggest and most widely used Bitcoin websites in existence. We have a premium Windows Server...
  9. DRKLord

    Please Update Your Darkcoin Clients!!!

    I would like to remind everyone to be sure to update Darkcoin client software! It is important that everyone run the new client software in this transitory phase for Darkcoin. A "soft fork" was just implemented to enable Darksend payments, and masternodes are now being paid and working. You can...
  10. DRKLord

    Suggestion for fixing network

    I'm still not an "official" Darkcoin dev, but I've started digging into the source and doing some studying so that I will soon be of some use to the dev team and the Darkcoin project. I am by no means an expert on Darkcoin's code or the Darkcoin / Bitcoin protocols for that matter. But I have a...
  11. DRKLord

    [WTB] 500.00 DRK for $6,000 USD

    My friend and I are looking to make a large purchase of (approximately) 500.00 DRK as soon as possible. We already have the funds available and ready to put towards this purchase. We're doing this as both a long-term investment in Darkcoin, and to create our own masternode. We can pay for the...
  12. DRKLord

    [WTS] 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin

    I have an original 2012 Casascius Physical Bitcoin I've been trying to sell. I intended to sell it for BTC to invest in more DRK, if not just sell it for straight DRK. I asked a friend of mine to help find me a buyer for a % commission of sales proceeds, but so far we've had no luck. Just...
  13. DRKLord

    [WTS] DRK or BTC for Moneypak

    Reposted from original thread on forums: I'm needing a $160 to $200 Moneypak. I currently have 50.00 DRK sitting in my desktop wallet savings. My address is Xf2QLUSwS8QWyxEfyazCNw8RWPZLqZrBXs You can see it in block explorer here...
  14. DRKLord

    My Dirty Fork

    I read on that the Darkcoin devs were looking for someone with a daemon still running on a bad fork from the failed masternode launch to examine and try to figure out what went wrong. It just so happens that I retained a copy of a bad fork. I even mined a few blocks on the bad...