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  1. jimbursch

    Where does Dash iOS wallet get exchange rate data?

    The Dash iOS wallet conveniently shows exchange rate (USD in my case). From where does the wallet get the exchange rate?
  2. jimbursch

    Evonet released with Dash Platform

    Here's the blog post: Here's the documentation: Here's the Evonet Explorer: Here's the faucet...
  3. jimbursch

    Is there an EvoNet forum?

    Will there be a forum for discussion and support for EvoNet development projects? If so, where?
  4. jimbursch

    What happened with Bitcart?

    I haven't been active on the forum for a little while, so pardon my ignorance. I just noticed that Bitcart is no longer accepting Dash. What happened with them? Also, I just purchased a Steam gift card using Bitrefill and it worked seamlessly, easily, and fast. Is Bitrefill the preferred Dash...
  5. jimbursch

    Dash Cryptocurrency: Single Wallet Owner Possesses 51% of Hashrate The NicheHash crypto mining marketplace contains the majority of the hashpower on the Dash network. A concerned Reddit user raised the alarm today.
  6. jimbursch

    Collateral not valid

    "PrivateSend request incomplete. Collateral not valid. Will retry..." What does that mean when I get that message while mixing?
  7. jimbursch

    Ubuntu repository installs v12.0

    I installed Dash Core per these instructions: And a very old version was installed, which indicates that the Ubuntu repository is not being maintained. Either the...
  8. jimbursch

    PrivateSend messages

    "Submitted to masternode, waiting in queue..." "PrivateSend request incomplete. Session timed out. Will retry..." "PrivateSend is idle" My wallet seems to be mostly just cycling through these messages. When a session times out, does that mean, simply, that the masternode (network?) didn't have...
  9. jimbursch

    Excellent PrivateSend documentation

    For anyone who has PrivateSend questions, here is the place to start: I suggest a sticky post with a link to that documentation at the top of this forum.
  10. jimbursch

    Let's talk about Tether

    It has become clear to me that the greatest hazard to all cryptocurrencies, including Dash, is the problem of Tether, and increasing dependence on Tether as a proxy for USD. Tether is worse than fiat and fractional reserve banking when it comes to false promises of fixed value. I'm especially...
  11. jimbursch

    Dash Messaging is now MemoTrader

    I have rebranded Dash Messaging as MemoTrader. Check it out at
  12. jimbursch

    Meet the Man Who Created a Bug Bounty Program for Dash You may not be familiar with Jim Bursch, but you certainly know about Dash, one of the top ten cryptocurrencies (and fighting tooth and nail to remain one). With a strong community supporting it and solid plans to...
  13. jimbursch

    Problem with necroposting in Official Announcements

    Necroposting in the Official Announcements forum is especially problematic when warnings from years ago are being dragged out of the grave. For example, "iOS Wallet Warning!" from 2016 is now on page 1 of Official Announcements. It took me a few minutes of extreme anxiety until I realized it...
  14. jimbursch

    Dash Bug Bounty represented at major security conference event

    As part of our ongoing partnership with Bugcrowd to operate the Dash Bug Bounty program, I was invited to attend Bugcrowd's big industry party for the RSA Conference in San Francisco this week. Below are some photos from the event. The following morning I sat for a video interview about the Dash...
  15. jimbursch

    Dash and the Dark Net

    We need to get on top of this meme and make it a win for Dash. Here are talking points: IF Dash is becoming popular on the Dark Net, it is for two reasons: 1. Dash has strong privacy features -- strong privacy protects journalists, human rights activists, and you and me from hackers...
  16. jimbursch

    Proposal: Dash Bug Bounty - Bugcrowd 12 month renewal

    Dash Central: Manually vote on this proposal (DashCore - Tools - Debugconsole): gobject vote-many 9be9f4191af46ca112477257c60a30d9a8612418f921ffd1d0c5713ab74b8fa2 funding yes In August, 2017 we launched the Dash Bug Bounty...
  17. jimbursch

    Podcast featuring Jim Bursch on Dash, Dash Messaging and Bug Bounty

    This podcast covers a lot. We get to the Dash Bug Bounty Program at 33:40
  18. jimbursch

    #003 Dash with Jim Bursch the Virtual Sheriff

    Altcoin Deep Dive
  19. jimbursch

    February 19, 2018 – DASH Cryptocurrency w Jim Bursch, Maximum Potential Dr. Tasha Holland Kornegay a

    I recently had the opportunity to talk about Dash on this radio program:
  20. jimbursch

    Virtual sheriffs in the wild, wild west of digital currency Digital currency is in its “wild, wild west stage of development”. Like any classic Spaghetti Western, the standard narrative in the cryptocurrency market is one of...