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  1. Darren

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    12:00 UTC 4553 active masternodes March 4th 12:00 registered: 2291 March 5th 12:00 registered: 2507 Registered: 55.06% 24h registered: 4.74% I'm not extrapolating these data. We're close to 60% and if the 24h rate falls below 0.63% that would be a condition for spork 15 activation.
  2. Darren

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    0:00 UTC 4550 active masternodes March 4rd 0:00 registered: 2211 March 5th 0:00 registered: 2384 Registered: 52.40% 24h registered: 3.80%
  3. Darren

    Dash Blockchain Users and MimbleWimble

    I imagine there is a need to keep the eye on the prize. For Dash, that prize is evolution. Any other work would take time away from the advertised goal. MimbleWimble is in a very early, very experimental stage. I'll keep an eye on it.
  4. Darren

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    20:00 UTC 4546 active masternodes March 3rd 20:00 registered: 2182 March 4th 20:00 registered: 2356 Registered: 51.82% 24h registered: 3.83%
  5. Darren

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    As of 16:00 UTC Current active 4543 Mar 3 16:00 registered 2109 Mar 4 16:00 registered 2321 MN 2321/4543 = 51.09 % 24h 212/4543 = 4.66%
  6. Darren

    Neocash Radio interviews Joël Valenzuela from Dash Force

    Great show, and great interview with Joël Valenzuela from Dash Force. Pirate Bay springs website Monero miner on users. Australia stops double-taxing crypto. Micropayment solution for Ethereum announced. Blockchain tech on docket for SEC committee. Plus a DASH update from Darren and special...
  7. Darren

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    I'm not aware of any crowdfunding platform for dash. I think this is a good proposal.
  8. Darren

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    It may be a silly idea, but maybe you could feed people at the conference. I mean free to attendees. Heck, even bring some rice with "Provided by Dash, digital currency" on it with the conference date, time, and location to advertise before hand. Probably best to import...
  9. Darren

    Neocash Radio - Ep204

    Thanks for posting this!
  10. Darren

    Inconsistency in Masternode - Upate to asap !

    If master blocks were required to broadcast the hash of one of the three last blocks and only nodes on the longest chain got the reward on the longest chain then they might care.
  11. Darren

    Inconsistency in Masternode - Upate to asap !

    I noticed that the masternode payment enforcement number changed. Does that mean that enforcement is back on? I thought a screen shot here, but I'm having some serious upload problems. Anyway: 83.8% 0.5%
  12. Darren

    What is more profitable? A master node or lend the Poloniex?

    If you hold DASH on your local machine then there is a chance that machine gets hacked and the attacker could steal the Dash. I think this risk is low, but to be safe don't click on shady links, get phished etc.
  13. Darren

    What is more profitable? A master node or lend the Poloniex?

    @rustycase The reason people trade on margin is what is called leverage. Let's say I have 1 Bitcoin. I could: 1) no margin: buy ~41 dash and hold it out right 2) margin: borrow another bitcoin and buy 82 dash. If dash then starts trading at 40 dash per bitcoin I could: 1) sell 41 dash...
  14. Darren

    What is more profitable? A master node or lend the Poloniex?

    I do not recomend using margin, especially with volatile cryptocurrencies. Going long Dash on Margin would mean borrowing bitcoin and buying dash. Going short Dash would mean borrowing bitcoin and buying dash. on the exchange side, there is no debt or borrowing.
  15. Darren

    What is more profitable? A master node or lend the Poloniex?

    @jhoskins So yes, lending DASH on Poloniex will result in someone selling so there would be an immediate (small) downward push on the price. However, at some point in the future the borrower will need to buy back the dash, this will undo the downward push. Also the lender will earn interest...
  16. Darren

    Please help me understand the code base v.0.12.1

    It seems that dash 12.1 is being based off of the code for bitcoin 12.1. As you may know bitcoin 12.0 integrated some features such as RBF. I want to know if DASH 0.12.1 also integrates RBF or libsecp256k1. I don't see anything about these in dash road map about these. I personally think the...
  17. Darren

    Max Block Size

    The block size increase is not in evolution If a time line converted the blocksize before 0.13 then the code for 0.13 could be simpler, no if then statement would be needed. It is still desirable to have a block height where the change...
  18. Darren

    Please don't make the mistakes bitcoin is making

    @CheekyMonkey Found it! Line 54 of
  19. Darren

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Welcome @adsacly. We live in exciting times!