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  1. Darren

    General DIF Communication and Feedback Thread (2021/2022 cycle)

    A few weeks back supervisors elected @Sven as vice-chair. He has been filling out this new roll quite well All supervisors have been working hard for the DIF. Sven has just stepped-up to accept more responsibility. For the health of the DIF it is best that we're not dependent on one...
  2. Darren

    Brazil Community

    Thanks for this update! Really interested to learn how the reality show goes.
  3. Darren

    General DIF Communication and Feedback Thread (2021/2022 cycle)

    DIF NEWSLETTER LAUNCH September 20th Code for 50% of Quadrency for life with first issue. Would you like a free month of Quadency? Use the code: DASHPROPASS Would you like 50% off Quadency for life? Sign up for the DIF's newsletter. Quadency code will be included in the first issue we're...
  4. Darren

    General DIF Communication and Feedback Thread (2021/2022 cycle)

    A new supervisor asked a great question. “What process do we (the DIF) use to decide to invest” I answered this question, however I feel like I could do a better job answering this question. First off, meetings are governed by Robert’s rules. This means that naively all an investment takes is...
  5. Darren

    General DIF Communication and Feedback Thread (2021/2022 cycle)

    Dear Dash Network, The transition to the newly elected supervisors is complete. New supervisors are assuming duties. In my assessment we're able to carry the momentum forward from last year. Please note this thread continues the thread from last year which you can find here. I'm making...
  6. Darren

    Hello: I'm Darren Tapp (汤德润) a DIF Supervisor.

    @AgnewPickens Could you please lock and unpin this thread. I'm going to start a new thread for the 2021-2022 supervisor cycle.
  7. Darren

    DIF August ask

    Thanks for this feedback. @xkcd Thank you for these calculations. Previously the DIF ongoing ask was for 425 Dash, I'm glad we did not submit this early in the cycle as that would force our community to risk not funding another project if they voted for the DIF. As you've seen, we now have put...
  8. Darren

    Dash Town Hall is nearly ready to launch

    As a Dash Central user I feel that comments on proposals should be limited to about 4 or 5 per user per proposal. This restriction should not apply to the entity that submits the proposal. As an alternative, people who don't submit the proposal could be charged a small fee (in Dash) per comment.
  9. Darren

    DIF August ask

    Just to clarify. If your security model requires that people not look at public information, that's not how security works. It's actually works the other way around. You assume your attacker has a hefty amount of resources and the goal is breaking the security.
  10. Darren

    DIF August ask

    @GrandMasterDash I'm happy that Dash is listed on Coinbase and other services that rely on regulatory compliance. Also: "security experts have rejected the security through obscurity view as far back as 1951" (source)
  11. Darren

    DIF August ask

    Thanks for that feedback @AgnewPickens We have an extra meeting this week, and I will share this feedback with all supervisors.
  12. Darren

    DIF August ask

    Dear network, The new supervisors have met twice as the newly elected supervisors. We have so much on our plate that we haven't discussed putting up a proposal to the network yet. Part of me is thinking that we should do a supplemental proposal and forgo the ongoing funding proposal...
  13. Darren

    Regarding the proposal to reduce the proposal fee [META]

    I think what you're quoting was a joke, but that would burn 0.25% of all dash that will ever exist. The proposal to reduce the fee is passing, we have yet to see if DashUnicorn will submit the 50k proposals.
  14. Darren

    I’m new here - Where should I share a cool Dash adoption directory I built?

    Here's the link. Thanks @JLivingston for sending it over email.
  15. Darren

    Hello: I'm Darren Tapp (汤德润) a DIF Supervisor.

    On international strategy I wanted to pursue an international strategy for among other reasons: I believe Dash is a project that should serve the world and not just one political jurisdiction. I believe the DIF serves Dash which serves the world. Multiple jurisdictions spread out political...
  16. Darren

    Regarding the proposal to reduce the proposal fee [META]

    @Geert Your logical fallacy is ad hominem.
  17. Darren

    Regarding the proposal to reduce the proposal fee [META]

    Regarding pegging to a specific USD amount. Two challenges: 1) The cost (time and/or money) of such a change is signifigantly more that the proposed change. 2) The solution could introduce security vulnerabilities. The security problem is how do you have an oracle reporting the USD price...
  18. Darren

    Hello: I'm Darren Tapp (汤德润) a DIF Supervisor.

    On Reserve Management The DIF takes an approach of keeping reserves 70%USD/30% Dash. Every month, we check what the USD to Dash ratio and if it's over 50% Dash, sell dash. If it's under 10%, Dash buy dash. Every sell or buy brings us back to 70%/30%. In July the DIF was 40% Dash and 60% USD...
  19. Darren

    Regarding the proposal to reduce the proposal fee [META]

    I believe you are actively trying to mislead the community with the post below. First off, no one is forced to vote. Everyone can abstain. I think you're aware of that qwizzie. What I did was go through the Dash Central discussion and copy the first top level post that I saw from each actor...