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  1. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    They use hardcoded version instead of relying on getblocktemplate output provided by dashd for some reason. Warning is a cosmetic bug which shouldn't cause any issues, will be fixed in next update.
  2. UdjinM6

    v12.2 Testing

    Current version is starting with DIP0001 disabled by default and then it's applying the status of DIP0001 on top of it. You can adjust paytxfee via rpc: settxfee amount Set the transaction fee per kB. Overwrites the paytxfee parameter. Arguments: 1. amount (numeric or sting...
  3. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    To answer everyone asking (and trolling) about block version above: yes, it's completely normal. DIP0001 is activated so there is no need for pools to signal for its support anymore and we are back to block version 536870912. All worked as designed.
  4. UdjinM6

    PrivateSend ... can we trust it?

    fees? would mean to add smaller denoms probably but might not be necessary own encrypted message routing instead of direct connection to selected masternode + mixing parallelisation to listen/mix multiple denoms at once maybe add some crypto magic to hide values
  5. UdjinM6

    What do you all think about DeepOnion?

    Let them destroy their coin reputation by themselves :rolleyes:
  6. UdjinM6 vs.

    They have different backends - one is insight (nodejs), the other one is abe (python). Whichever provides you the API you want, there i no requirements to use some specific one. Or you can even setup your own one if you want to make sure it's up 24/7, the code is on github. Hmmm, good...
  7. UdjinM6

    Error building wallet from source on mac

    Yes, someone reported this recently on btct - your boost setup is messed up, see this
  8. UdjinM6

    Pre-Proposal: Bi-Weekly Videos and Bi-Monthly DASH Conference in Ontario, CANADA

    Use "Edit" button. If you don't have it (not sure if it's available for new accounts) post it here in new message and I'll copy/paste in the 1st one.
  9. UdjinM6

    Time to lower PrivateSend fee, pretty please -- it's up to ~$6 USD!

    Guys, can you please stop feeding him and helping him to derail the thread? Thank you.
  10. UdjinM6

    dash chrome extension .. ?
  11. UdjinM6

    payment queue

    I have no idea what happened to your masternodes either and I won't have any without some additional info like mn txid or maybe better a debug.log from one of your remote nodes. I highly doubt that your forum ranks are linked to your MN failures, I'd guess it's a coincidence but let's see what...
  12. UdjinM6

    GPU vs ASIC

    You'll probably get 0 DASH by mining Dash on GPU - can't compete with ASICs.
  13. UdjinM6

    v12.2 Testing

    @flare ? ^^^
  14. UdjinM6

    P2POOL | Eurasian & Siberian DASH p2pool node|

    Рестарт ноды должен помочь, разбираемся...
  15. UdjinM6

    what happens to the 5 dash when a proposal fails or passes?

    I don't think returning burned coins back into budget is a good idea but reducing 5 DASH by 7% just like the supply/available budget is probably a good one and should be pretty straightforward to implement. Later, proposal fee calculation could take tx fees into account (when supply is not the...
  16. UdjinM6

    MasterNode Count

    PS: в момент миграции старые ноды считаются как активные, но можно или нет на них миксить регулируется отдельной версией - версией протокола PrivateSend. Если при апгрейде версия PrivateSend тоже поменялась, то миксимть на старых нодах нельзя и количество активных не будет совпадать с...
  17. UdjinM6

    P2Pool Script to deploy P2Pool on Ubuntu

    Nice, thank you! @chaeplin @thelazier @ourlink Can you guys confirm that there is the warning message in your logs?
  18. UdjinM6

    I accidentally sent BitCoin Cash to a Bitcoin wallet

    You can use this tool (works offline) to retrieve btc private key which corresponds to the btc address you sent coins to on bch blockchain - enter your mnemonic from ledger and it should generate you a list. Once it's done, look for the address you sent to. You can...
  19. UdjinM6

    Dash Bug Bounty Program

    What is $? Make it 1 DASH :D No problem. I contacted him and asked if he is interested in the first place. If yes, I'll send you his Dash address in PMs.
  20. UdjinM6

    Dash Bug Bounty Program

    I'm not sure if it fits in any of these... I'd say it's more critical than RPC or compilation issues because it's a network-wide one on p2p-level but less critical than IS because there is no financial risk or network split risk and it can't be exploited directly, it's more like slight network...