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  1. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    Could be both :) I would actually expect a bit more CPU/network usage in the next few days because of the update (due to many nodes going down and up again). Would be interesting to compare some stats after a week or so.
  2. UdjinM6

    Split the Budget Proposal discussion into 2 sections !

    They can't move threads, only mods can. We will move them once they start to pop up with some updates. Or you can ask us to move some approved proposal thread from pre-proposal section ahead of time, just post a link here.
  3. UdjinM6

    Вопросы от новичка (или что непонятно новичку)

    Схема вознаграждения более или менее одинакова - награда делится между всеми майнерами, присылавшими хэши. Просто какие-то пулы показывают такую дополнительную статистику, а какие-то нет.
  4. UdjinM6

    Вопросы от новичка (или что непонятно новичку)

    70% - это т.н. "удача", т.е. ожидалось что при текущей сложности понадобится порядка N хэшей, но для нахождения блока потребовалось перебрать лишь 70% от предполагаемого количества (что хорошо). Иногда зашкаливает за 100% и даже за 200% ("невезуха"), но это нормально - такова природа PoW и в...
  5. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    This ^^^ TL;DR: OP updated :)
  6. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    Maybe your system has outdated certs or smth? I don't see any issues with wget on ubuntu...
  7. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    Hmmm.. Where do you get this from?
  8. UdjinM6

    several questions on tuning and indicators dm22g

    I think @iBeLink_1 is the best one to answer questions like these. You probably should ask such questions in™-dm22g-asic-dash-miner-support-thread.17936/ btw
  9. UdjinM6

    Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.

    You can always host static sites for free on GitHub Pages Proof: ->
  10. UdjinM6

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    This thread "forked" from the topic way too many times already. Take this discussion somewhere else please. Closing this.
  11. UdjinM6

    Вопросы от новичка (или что непонятно новичку)

    Если включено перемешивание и заданный предел для приватного баланса еще не достигнут, то все новые монеты бьются на номиналы и тоже начинают участвовать в перемешивании.
  12. UdjinM6

    Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.

    "confiscate their coins" is not "free not to participate" just like "kill them" is not "let them go".
  13. UdjinM6

    Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.

    No one is forcing you, you are free not to participate. This is fundamentally different from confiscating from people who already participate.
  14. UdjinM6

    An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing

    We are thinking about introducing a major/minor share system i.e. to became a masternode some set of shares would have to have at least one major share. And if the major share would be smth like 600 DASH and minor smth like 100 DASH I don't think it would affect the system too much.
  15. UdjinM6

    Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.

    Violence is violence, no matter if it's forced on you by a majority or by a minority.
  16. UdjinM6

    Problem retrieving coins

    Which repair option did you use? Try "Recover transactions 1".
  17. UdjinM6

    Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.

    Interesting numbers. Yes, this can be implemented and you can prepare a fork like that in code, that's not the hardest part. The hardest part for you will be to convince anyone to mine this fork and to accept the new ConfiscableCoin. What you are missing is that confiscation goes against one of...
  18. UdjinM6

    Sync blocks

    Убедитесь, что используете свежую версию Также проверьте логи антивируса/файервола, возможно он заблокировал.
  19. UdjinM6

    Move your BTC to Dash or another useful currency.

    Yes. It doesn't matter how carefully you watch your basket, shit can happen regardless, so it's wiser do keep your head calm and keep eggs in different baskets imo. Pick few top coins and diversify based on your preferences. I would advise to keep 80% in your favorite one, the one you follow...
  20. UdjinM6

    Resed Dash Core wallet

    In menu select Tools -> Show Automatic Backups. This should open the file explorer for you. Close the wallet (wait till shutdown is complete). Now go one folder up in the file explorer and find wallet.dat file there. Rename it to smth else e.g. wallet_old.dat. Now start wallet again and it...