Search results

  1. UdjinM6

    payment queue

    Define "many" and calculate chances to do so.
  2. UdjinM6

    payment queue

    You are making assumptions that cannot be proved by any existing code. How payments actually work: - every node is aware when some specific masternode was funded (thanks to blockchain) - every new masternode has to wait at least 1 full cycle (n blocks equal to number of masternodes) before it...
  3. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    I'd recommend to update as soon as it's paid. Why wait longer? :) It's all described in details in DIP0001 ;) tl;dr: which translates in ~2 weeks after we have majority of MNs and miners upgraded to lock it...
  4. UdjinM6

    GUI tool for running Masternode with Trezor

    @Bertrand256 pls update default DMT RPC nodes (alice and luna) to Dash Core 12.2 to allow DMT to start 12.2 masternodes. Thanks! :)
  5. UdjinM6

    Version 12.2 release

    Hello Everyone, Today we are happy to announce the release of of the Dash Core software! This is a major release of the Dash Core 0.12.2.x series. This release contains new features, improvements and bugfixes. The most notable changes are: - DIP0001 implementation (which is a 2MB...
  6. UdjinM6

    Block# 764165 Conflicts between Block Explorers

    There are two 764165: The former probably was seen first and is on the "longest" chain, the later was...
  7. UdjinM6

    Вопросы от новичка (или что непонятно новичку)

    В целом согласен с предыдущим оратором :) От себя добавлю лишь, что как бы вы не верили в ту или иную крипту - диверсификация, диверсификация, и еще раз диверсификация. Год в крипте - это как десять лет в оффлайне, все может случиться в любую сторону, так что класть все яйца в одну корзину...
  8. UdjinM6

    DashTV - The easy way to keep an eye on your investment

    Btw, there is a typo in Help: "Examles:" ;)
  9. UdjinM6

    Suggestion: A "General Discussions" where only Masternode Owners can see and post.

    I personally have no problems with creating a subforum where only MNOs (i.e. users with valid MN signatures) can create posts/reply and regular users can only read things. But probably only as long as this can be automated, I'd hate to manage ever changing list of MNOs manually. Is it possible...
  10. UdjinM6

    New Start Required, everything else fine except no payment

    I see it as ENABLED from my nodes too. Yep, just leave it running as it is, should be payed eventually.
  11. UdjinM6

    v12.2 Testing

    Hmmm.. What do you mean by "charges"? "Create Denominations" are txes breaking non-denominated funds into 10,1,0.1,0.01, and like any other tx they must pay fees (like always).
  12. UdjinM6

    Вопрос про

    Как я уже писал - Dashcentral это лишь удобная "витрина" с кнопочками и своим мини-форумом. "Витрину" можно выбрать любую, какую найдете, а можно обойтись и без нее - все равно в итоге отправлять предложение в сеть нужно из своего кошелька. Технически, шагов не так много и в этом смысле можно...
  13. UdjinM6

    Вопрос про

    Частями. И если мастерноды передумают, например, из-за того, что автор пропал и не отчитывается о процессе, то могут изменить голоса и прекратить финансирование.
  14. UdjinM6

    MN will not stay online after withdrawing payments

    Make sure sentinel is up to date
  15. UdjinM6

    Masternode error: [error] Could not drop tables: database is locked

    Pls see
  16. UdjinM6

    Where can i download Dash Blockchain bootstrap to run and sync windows wallet ?

    This ^^^^^ + all scripts etc are open source
  17. UdjinM6

    master node owner badge not showing

    pinging @moocowmoo
  18. UdjinM6

    v12.2 Testing

    If you are running testnet masternode pls update it to the latest binaries and make sure it’s a) synced and b) ENABLED. We are going to start final stress test soon (tm) :)