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  1. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Test Marketing Update Due to the dip in Dash/GBP pricing we've had to scale back our marketing test substantially, however we have got some good insight from these campaigns. We ran both generic and precise google search campaigns on Dash related keywords (some knowledge based, some with buyer...
  2. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Good suggestion - we did consider using the shorter TLD. As you point out, in terms of awareness its just not there yet - I also prefer the shorter extension and I'm sure in time it will be more utilised as larger brands make the switch. Trust is key for us and a lack of awareness of the .UK top...
  3. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Another Monday, another update! Quick reminder to take a look at our public expenses doc if you haven't already: Not much to update today as we're...
  4. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Also, video update time! Really do appreciate any feedback you guys can give us whether that's in design, functionality, approach or otherwise. Marketing Strategy Insight into what we're doing, including a little about why and how...
  5. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Thanks for the feedback - It's a good point. We've based the initial layout off of Coinbase and whilst they do many things right they're far from perfect. We'll be developing all of these as react components so we'll be able to shift them around as necessary (at some point maybe even giving the...
  6. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hi guys, here's some light reading for you (hah): Marketing Strategy Doc In other news here's a peak at our dashboard: Intentionally simplistic...
  7. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello, update from Alex - unfortunately the spam prevention measures were blocking him from posting this himself:
  8. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    @GrandMasterDash @dashinstant - Thank you both for your enduring support, we're trucking on and really excited about the coming updates and getting our platform live. You're completely spot on regarding Uphold, we've all used it and like their service, they've solved a lot of the problems we...
  9. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Limited Company Info: Marketing Site: Pass: dash123 Let us know any questions/feedback! Cheers, Ash
  10. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Another Monday, another update! Nothing expansive, but we like to keep you all in the loop. We're super busy (as always) but we've been making some great progress and it's nice to see how everything is coming together. Alex has been working on the systems behind the scenes that will enable our...
  11. AshFrancis

    Pre-proposal: Dash Core Group fiat guarantee losses reimbursement

    Would it not make sense for the majority of (if not all) fiat-guarantee proposals to request the full amount up front which can be immediately converted to fiat by Core, completely mitigating volatility risk? It would then be remitted monthly by Core in accordance to milestones. The only...
  12. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Monthly video update time: Designs Homepage: Dash Page: Content Example: System Requirement Specification...
  13. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Time for a monthly update everyone! Things get a little more exciting next month, we'll show you some office pics on Monday next week and keep pinging you these updates. Like I say in the video, if anyone wants to poke their head around and have a coffee we're game:
  14. AshFrancis

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Proposal Link | eWallet Site Thank you for all the support and valuable feedback we received both in private and on our proposal. We're really looking forward to showing you what we can do and absolutely committed to giving you a fantastic return on budget spend (ROBS?). As per our proposal...
  15. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    We're now live - whilst close to the deadline we're really keen to get the ball rolling. Thank you all for the valuable feedback and support!
  16. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    Thanks guys - we should be putting the proposal live soon.
  17. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    I believe that offering other currencies would actually increase Dash sales significantly but I can understand why there may be a desire for complete exclusivity. Fair point on the marketing, hopefully Dash growth over 6 months will provide a healthy budget. If necessary we can do another...
  18. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    Thank you - we're investigating the faster payments solutions, this being our main concern: We may be able to use once of the lesser banks that support faster payments or seek a third party processor that can...
  19. AshFrancis

    Pre-Proposal: UK Dash To Fiat Exchange & Marketing Integration

    We’ve had an interesting discussion on Discord regarding trust and exposure to risk for the DAO. We know that there is an element of risk on both sides. For ourselves: - We are all taking a significant pay cut - We are all leaving our jobs and taking career risk - We have only allowed 8 months...