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  1. JZA

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Last report was on July 31st, there was no bi-weekly update in the past month of August. Would be good if anyone can count the biweekly's that have been covered and missed.
  2. JZA

    pre-proposal DASH distributed point of sales

    This is a great proposal to get DASH into the businesses that really needed. Many technologies are imagined as a single employee shop or individuals. This actually matures into the multi employees and multi payment venues businesses.
  3. JZA

    Conexion de DASH con libreria de Python

    Bien tengo un servicio de la wallet de DASH que necesito automatizar mediante un script. Prefiero usar python, debo conectarme a este via JSON RPC. Necesito una libreria que pueda hacer la conexion y pueda enviar JSONs con las instrucciones y argumentos.
  4. JZA

    Community call: DCG Business Development's plans - 6 September 2018

    Any chance to move this to Friday.
  5. JZA

    Conexion de DASH con libreria de Python

    Alguien sabe como conectar Python con DASH via rpc?
  6. JZA


    well a question I might have right away is how you getting liquidity. And if this is a for profit operation do you plan to be sustainable. In other words if you think this business could stand on its feet in the short to mid termn.
  7. JZA

    Pre-Proposal: "Block is Hot" Crypto-HipHop Mixer featuring DASH

    Price make sense wish you luck, I will recommend adding some samples of your work, screenshots or others embedded on the proposal.
  8. JZA

    DCG and non-core functions

    yeah well that's not how we operate, I suggest making recomendations on how we do things. Like, breaking down the proposals into month so it can be downvoted. If you have a deadline to pay for something, then submit the proposal 2 cycles before the deadline.
  9. JZA

    DCG and non-core functions

    Just like any proposal, people can make suggestion on change at the pre-proposal level, better yet, why there was none of these comments on the pre-proposal period? and if they were, I suggest to be more insistent, the reality is that the pre-proposal period is not taken as seriously by the...
  10. JZA

    DCG and non-core functions

    Thats why pre-proposals are made.
  11. JZA

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Help - Venezuela (Customer Support Center)

    yeah I suggest a light grey or blue for example, the light purple on the forum.
  12. JZA

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Help - Venezuela (Customer Support Center)

    Might be purely cosmetic but please change the background color of the video to visually distinguish the app.
  13. JZA

    Proposal: World’s First Dash Only Electronic Music Festival

    One thing I want to know is how the POS and Fresty band worked during the event, since i am helping someone build a music festival in Mexico. This tech could be worth checking it out.
  14. JZA

    Relacionandonos con desarrolladores

    Discord tiene una serie de canales de desarrollo, también el foro tiene típicos y contenido de desarrollo y finalmente hay documentación de desarrollo. El contacto con el equipo de desarrollo se puede ver en los que más comentan en estas líneas estos grupos he hilos. Creando conversaciones y...
  15. JZA

    Relacionandonos con desarrolladores

    El punto de material a desarrolladores es que no tenemos desarrolladores en latinoamerica contribuyendo al proyecto.
  16. JZA

    Relacionandonos con desarrolladores

    Uno de los hitos que se quiere lograr es mas eventos para desarrolladores (Hackathons) y creo que algo importante es poder tener una mejor coordinacion con los desarroladores actuales de DASH para producir material relacionado con el desarrollo. Quiero exhortar a la comunidad en poder tener...
  17. JZA

    Proposal: World’s First Dash Only Electronic Music Festival

    Any updates on the festival? Seems the festival is over and I dont see a thread on the Proposal title of the forum. So I really wonder the experience on the wild with the technology and see if its worth replicating it somewhere else.
  18. JZA

    DCG and non-core functions

    I agree with this in concept. However Marketing has been linked to things like the website and the social media, not just that but they are just getting their analytics correctly, and this is what a product manager will comunicate to development. So one thing we should think about is how these...
  19. JZA

    Pre-proposal: Hackathon Dash Build

    Excellent proposal, hope this gets funded. We need better technology in DASH to make the objectives of the project better.
  20. JZA

    Proposal - DASH HBCU CAMPUS TOUR 2018

    Any update on this process? I never saw a proposal through the pipelines.