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  1. mage00000

    Let's make SWOT Analysis for Dash

    Let's have a look :eek: Strength - Talented developers - Visionary leader - Good vision (digital cash) - Professional process for project management - Professional project managers - Highly commitment core team - Able vote to resolve conflicts - Incentivized full nodes >> how is that a...
  2. mage00000

    Dash Media Black Out. Causes and solutions.

    In the last episode of the 3 (three) amigo’s Joël mentioned the Dash media black out which is something I also noticed on crypto youtube channels. It is as if people are literally avoiding to say “Dash”, as if it is a four letter word… I even watched someone going down the list of coinmarketcap...
  3. mage00000

    ZB.COM volume question

    Thanks for the link, InhumanPerfection. I have been watching this link now for a while and noticed that most (say almost all) orders that are supposedly executed were not in the orderbooks before. So that is definitely fishy. Also contrary to the graph there is a lot of back and forth...
  4. mage00000

    ZB.COM volume question

    I have been wondering about the current volume shown at various sites that is supposedly traded at ZB.COM. We are looking at over a hundred million USD worth of Dash for a couple of days already! At the current price that is almost half a million Dash. At we can follow the money: So...
  5. mage00000

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    @ JOL Isn't that just a on/off button? The video that Triptolemoose posted helped me in my acceptance process of the T&C logo. But.... both have been rejected, so what happens now? Back to the drawing board? Or just continue using what we have?
  6. mage00000

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Yeah, that is a pity!
  7. mage00000

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Just to add some creativity. I Like what GrandMasterDash has done, it is just that the D and C 'hang around' there. Why not straighten it out, make it look like they know where to go....
  8. mage00000

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Interesting, reading through all these reactions. I can hardly add anything to it, most things that I wanted to say have been said by others, sometimes even in the exact words! I quite like the current logo, but that is my personal nerdy crypto opinion. We have to look at what would convince...
  9. mage00000

    What I Learned About Consensus From Dash’s Branding Vote

    Where does this discussion take place? I would have expected here on this forum, but I can't find anything.... I'm interested in seeing peoples thoughts. (and stir up the already heated discussion, LOL)
  10. mage00000

    BIG treasury

    @MrGold , that was true in the past and maybe it still is, but it clearly shouldn't. Especially when a lot of money and power is involved.
  11. mage00000

    BIG treasury

    Funny, our dear Amanda talks about this too.
  12. mage00000

    BIG treasury

    Yes, I still have to get into this way of thinking. It is a bit weird, though. If I were to get funded by the blockchain, I am receiving money but there is no legal entity paying me. So for example -this is an example that I was recently discussing with someone else- say the Coinbase CEO says he...
  13. mage00000

    BIG treasury

    LOL, yes, none of this is legal advice, nor is it financial advice. It is just a thread of more or less random thoughts from more or less random people. The reason why I am bringing this up is 1 that I was thinking about it (as in "random thoughts") and 2 that I think this is much closer than...
  14. mage00000

    BIG treasury

    I see people getting all excited when some large company, like MS, shows interest in some blockchain, resulting in massive increases in the price of its token. These people (I think) do not see the power of the dash treasury. Dash now has about 8,000,000 USD/mo to spend, if 2018 will be as good...
  15. mage00000

    Thoughts on Reverse Split or Redenominating DASH

    I understand the problem. People are used to USD, EUR etc. and you always have more than one. But think of it this way; if we would go back to using gold, would you insist on having 1 Kg and that 0.0001 Kg is impractical? Would you rather trade using copper or iron, so that you can have full...
  16. mage00000

    I’ve Had Enough! Time For A Blockchain Wake Up Call!

    So many words to state the obvious.... I've been saying this since I got into crypto's: BTC is not going to make it. (<--- period) It won't be a store of value neither because if that is its only value, that is way too fragile. When I started researching crypto's Dash was in my opinion the...
  17. mage00000

    Visa card for cryptocurrency service

    That sounds fantastic! People like you give me an even greater confidence in dash. What you are doing is really great, but that doesn't mean that everyone who takes smaller steps than you is hurting the dash ecosystem. Every step in the right direction, no matter how small it appears to you...
  18. mage00000

    Visa card for cryptocurrency service

    I mentioned my mother a few times here. That was not just a figure of speech. She is 74 years old now, lives in the Netherlands and would like to support her grand-daughter (my daughter) when she goes to university next year, in Thailand. She would like to send her 100 EUR/month, or thereabout...
  19. mage00000

    Visa card for cryptocurrency service

    True again. But right now I want to be able to spend my dash and it is going to be very difficult to get my mother to use it if she has no way of spending it. You need to do the above, but every store you walk into will not accept dash. So you'll do your story and walk out w/o your goods? You'll...
  20. mage00000

    Visa card for cryptocurrency service

    True! That is why I believe in Dash. It can be done, it needs to get done and so it will get done. But it isn't done yet. Dash may have enough money to dash-up the village here, but there are millions villages and cities like this. Dash can not do that overnight, not in a week, a month or not...