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  1. methusaleh unresponsive

    Hi Will it's OK. We've all had our perfect storms of foul up. I may have been a bit less than warm and fuzzy about it at the time but it's all been made right and I appreciate you taking the time to get in touch. I'd agree this hasn't happened before with you guys - its always been really slick...
  2. methusaleh unresponsive

    Quick update on my saga with this, Calnaughtonjnr here on the forum came to my rescue and sorted this out for me. I think I may have mistaken the size of Cryptomate as a business and it seems that things maybe slipped a bit there whilst a key member of the team was out of the country. Anyway...
  3. methusaleh

    Pre-Proposal Discussion?: Branding Colors

    eh ok Yidakee if you say so I'll take your word for it... or is this just more of that subconscious manipulation in action?? These are NOT the droids I am looking for...
  4. methusaleh

    Pre-Proposal Discussion?: Branding Colors

    Honestly, and yes I'm sure this makes me some sort of philistine of the highest order, I don't care about the colour scheme one iota. I can't recall ever having giving the issue a single flicker of thought on any Web page I've ever visited. It's the content that keeps me there or makes me pass...
  5. methusaleh

    Ethereum smart contract that provide small holders of DASH become part of masternode?

    Hadn't even thought about this liquidity issue but it's a good one. I guess like shared nodes at the moment there'd still need to be a reasonable minimum amount to get on board (200+ maybe?)
  6. methusaleh unresponsive

    Well thanks for taking a look at it anyway still can't believe how helpful everyone is here!
  7. methusaleh

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Adding Dash logo to

    Seems like a great idea and I'm all for the pleading non-profit-making poverty angle but if that doesn't fly for me anyway $3k is just south of my balk point. This is a near universal icon set after all. Slightly OT here but I've always considered the btc community a little less philanthropic...
  8. methusaleh unresponsive

    That is odd Pablo. It's been working OK for me too but they are 'closed' officially overnight - but seems like nobody's home there at any time now anyway.
  9. methusaleh unresponsive

    You will? Hey thanks for any help or suggestions you're able to provide! Btw do you ever sleep? Seems that you live here - which I'm really grateful for right now btw!! :D
  10. methusaleh unresponsive

    Has anyone had problems with this site? On Saturday morning (utc) I bought 5.8 dash from them and they had no trouble taking my money.. but I'm still waiting on my dash. I'd used this site before without any trouble maybe 10 times and iits always worked ok but I've emailed, tweeted and used...
  11. methusaleh

    Dash Mobile Apps

    OK thanks Tungfa
  12. methusaleh

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    Yes I thought the open source aspect made it tough to make exclusively Dash without giving every alt out there a free lunch. Oh well
  13. methusaleh

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    I think this a good point, so let me add a stupid question- how doable would it be to code any solution so altcoins have to go via dash (automatically using shapeshift or whatever) to use this solution? So for example LTC->Dash->btc if they want to piggyback on our code. I'm not a coder so like...
  14. methusaleh

    Proposal: Dash Electrum Masternode / Trezor Support

    Think this could be that 'one more thing' that finally pushes me into getting a Trevor if voted for
  15. methusaleh

    Opening OTC Trading To Community

    Perfect, thanks
  16. methusaleh

    Opening OTC Trading To Community

    So is this otc offer still happening??
  17. methusaleh

    Dash Mobile Apps

    Is there a reason I can't just watch a wallet in the android Dash wallet without sweeping it and having those dash on my phone does anyone know?
  18. methusaleh

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    HI Halso, could you do 1 and 2? I guess it could be done, yes. As to 3, intuitively, (that's short for I've not really thought this through in a comprehensive way so feel free to shoot me down here) I'm not so sure, it feels potentially quite open to abuse and margin trading but theres a lot of...
  19. methusaleh

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hi everyone, I'm new(ish) to the forum but not so much to Dash. Been a lurker here for a year or more but too lazy to register til recently. After many months of slogging my way to 1k I finally got a masternode set up recently (btw Moocowmoo is an absolute saint and if you're looking for...