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  1. C

    Darkcoin video

    I am hoping to add my voice over contribution to this cause. I wonder if creating a place for voting would be good. Keeping it honest and for the betterment of the coin. We could link to our reading. Maybe we could just use thelonecrouton script for consistency when listening. Also multiple...
  2. C

    Organizations Soliciting Donations

    Thanks again for letting us know I am sure we all want our donations to go to the correct people. Someone always trying to make a buck and common really how is that going to make his donations worth anything more even if he were to get them. Common people keep it honest to goodness.
  3. C

    Official-looking email scam, beware

    Thank you everyone for pointing this out.
  4. C

    Blue vs B&W Logo

    Definitely like the blue and white. 1 is best cause we are number 1 in the numbers game.
  5. C

    Dont See My Masternodes

    I did stop darkcoind rebooted my servers, did darkcoind start then used my windows wallet to wallet passphrase then masternode start running the config from the same location your darkcoind is at
  6. C

    MN not working properly

    I did that and I also ran darkcoind stop then darkcoind start Awe my friend helped me and I was not using the correct windows command prompt. I had the conf file in the incorrect folder. Thank you for you help. AAAAHHHH relief
  7. C

    MN not working properly

    Update: Well now I have sent my 1000 to another wallet then back again and I am able to see the wallet has 1000 DRK, but my masternode is still [12][3][4]2Digital OceanNetherlands_._.3.239--nl--nl330/33064389/48414 Which I believe means my masternode is not running with the network.
  8. C

    MN not working properly

    Has anyone had a problem where your cold wallet or the wallet on my windows PC says 1000, but the one on my masternode is showing 0. I took 4 drk out yesterday to make my balance 1000 and it shows this on my windows wallet but no such luck on my MN. I have stopped and started darkcoind rebooted...
  9. C

    Development Update - July 30th

    Yes it will.
  10. C

    Darkcoin video

    If you would like me to read I will. I can send in what I am given (as far as script given) and everyone can be the judge. I am a male, and I am not sure if that is what is wanted. I have a decent range and am a multi-masternode operator and do want this to succeed.
  11. C

    Darkcoin video

    Man, eltito has has one heck of a voice and I myself dont mean to brag but I can rock some movie narrative. If you need a voice please do let me know. At least let me try out if you get some dialog or want me to work on some.
  12. C

    Development Update - July 30th

    OMG this stuff is getting crazy complicated. I can see surely now where the boys get separated from the men in the sense that the coins that are intellectually unchallenging, but market blingy scam thingy rich will die soon and this coin will thrive. With emerging markets and ecosystems so rich...
  13. C

    Possible tv advert?

    Ahh finally a little confirmation on what I have been doing. I just think people don't understand and think I am crazy. The problem I am having is getting them to make the break from the legacy currency to just at least try. I got to make a video.
  14. C

    [SERVICE] DRKLord's Currency & Precious Metals Brokerage

    Got a tag how do I find out what I can get? Oh yea a cause I want more DRK.
  15. C

    WeSellDark(coin) Interest Thread

    Numerous times I have gone to a friend who had a coinbase instant and I swallowed it up with a donation of something far less than this but I am sure I could get drawn in by a service such as this.
  16. C

    Development Updates - July 15th

    How awesome a group of crypto forging, pushing, innovative, badasses, above all the rest are you guys. I mean the trolls on the bitcoin forum catch my eyes with new coins so I go to look at them just out of curiosity. Well I know curiosity killed the cat so I know better than to abandon this...
  17. C

    Masternode spending

    That dog toy thing is bomb think I am going to buy for myself and set one at the new dog park with instructions on how I purchased it. I hope they are greatful enough to read and contribute to the movement.
  18. C

    Development Updates - July 7th

    Beautiful absolutely beautiful, I am so grateful to just be small cog of such a revolutionary thought pattern. You people are just of an amazingly awesome mindset. Invoking this type of thought pattern is nothing short of awe inspiring. I mean who thinks of something so intelligent. A system...
  19. C

    How to set up ec2 t1.micro Ubuntu for Masternode part 3/3

    YES !!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!