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  1. TaoOfSatoshi

    CATV | Establishing Dash In New Markets - Rod Ambrissi

    CATV | Establishing Dash In New Markets - Rod Ambrissi #DashNation #CashAlternative
  2. TaoOfSatoshi

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Where do I sign? :)
  3. TaoOfSatoshi

    CATV: Eralith Studios - Project Jet Plane | Dash Nation Slack

    CATV: Eralith Studios - Project Jet Plane | Dash Nation Slack #DashNation #CashAlternative
  4. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    I'm glad that you folks recognize the benefits of a paid Slack towards productivity and community building. Thanks for your support!
  5. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    This reads more like a proposal than a decision. There are a lot of negative comments about the linked proposal, as well. Bottom line is that our users enjoy Slack, and we have established it as a premier source for Dash community communication and collaboration. To upgrade it would be to...
  6. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    I consider Slack to be the best user experience right now, but I will always be open-minded about alternatives. That would be great! Something to consider for the future. I am open to alternatives down the line if we grow disillusioned with Slack. So far it has been wonderful, though, apart...
  7. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    Thank you for your kind words, Eugenia.
  8. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    I will open a dialogue with Slack to try and improve our deal, maybe agreeing to promote them if they start accepting Dash. We will see.
  9. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    We will have safeguards in place to delete any users who just register and nothing else. Everything with Slack is pro-rated, so fake users that are deleted as soon as they join would not be an issue. Great question!
  10. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    As soon as the proposal passes, I will make the paid experience live. Thanks for your question.
  11. TaoOfSatoshi

    Proposal: Dash Nation Slack Upgrade

    Hi everyone, I'm Tao Of Satoshi. You may know me from Cash Alternative TV, my Twitter account Cash Alternative, or around the forums and Reddit. I also own and manage Dash's premier online source for communication and collaboration, Dash Nation Slack. It is Dash Nation Slack that brings me...
  12. TaoOfSatoshi

    CATV | Crisis In Venezuela: How Dash Could Help

    CATV | Crisis In Venezuela: How Dash Could Help #CashAlternative #DashNation
  13. TaoOfSatoshi

    Dash @ Digital Finance Conference 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

    Sounds like a solid proposal. I've seen you around Dash Nation, so I know you love Dash. If you and @tungfa think it's a great idea, let's do it. You have my votes. Good luck! :)
  14. TaoOfSatoshi

    Pre-proposal: Airline In-flight media campaign

    Sounds promising with good ROI. Also a great way to grow Dash Nation! A few questions: #1 Why are the airlines only known as Airline #1 and Airline #2? #2 Have you decided what part of the video you are going to edit out? #3 Does this commercial automatically air before the user can proceed to...
  15. TaoOfSatoshi

    Problem receiving funds to Core Wallet

    Never used it, and never heard of it. I'm no help.
  16. TaoOfSatoshi

    Dash Nation Twitts: Help me get Snoop Dogg's attention! :D
  17. TaoOfSatoshi

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    When are you going to flip the switch on the card ordering? You will be my first crypto debit card, I like your style.
  18. TaoOfSatoshi

    A Potential Goldmine: Making The #FirstDashWallet Campaign Permanent

    @amanda_b_johnson Way to go, Amanda. You've shown us that we can create passion for Dash through these types of campaigns. Wish you the best of luck in future campaigns. @AndyDark I fully agree with you that it would be better to have Evolution underway before we dive into a campaign like this...
  19. TaoOfSatoshi

    A Potential Goldmine: Making The #FirstDashWallet Campaign Permanent

    That's totally not the point. The point is to get Dash out there, so it becomes part of the world's collective consciousness. These kinds of campaigns tend to get people passionate about the subject, and that can only be good for Dash. It will make it easier to do the other things that you want...