Search results

  1. Walter

    Bargain: Who wants 6500 dash?

    You're looking for problems where they don't exist. If the opportunity to execute the above was really that attractive then it would happen (if it was possible at all). we'll see what happens at the end of the month...! Walter
  2. Walter

    Bargain: Who wants 6500 dash?

    I think that's a fair assumption... A rational actor is completely motivated by financial gain/reward, in the context of investment. IF you want to destroy dash at 'all costs' that makes you irrational and, frankly, foolish. Walter
  3. Walter

    Bargain: Who wants 6500 dash?

    $143,000 is peanuts in the scheme of things... An attacker (or cartel of attackers) would have nearly $8,000,000 invested in Dash already, why jeopardise this investment for a paltry $143,000? It makes no sense.. Their annual masternode returns are around $800,000 at current prices. Walter
  4. Walter

    Dash Open House March 30 at SkySong w/ Ryan Taylor, Evan Duffield & Amanda B. Johnson. All invited!

    I'm UK based but I might have to look into this... I need an excuse for a holiday :D Walter
  5. Walter

    Governance vs Grants - Pricing solutions?

    It isn't broke, don't fix it :) That's my view... for now. Should we speculate about what our thoughts would be should Dash be worth $200 each? $1000 to submit a funding proposal... Maybe that would discourage innovation and grassroots community initiatives? Walter
  6. Walter

    Dash has cancer, take a look at the xray...

    Oh right, so it's about AML/KYC and witholding info? Well that's even more fucking ridiculous then...
  7. Walter

    Dash has cancer, take a look at the xray...

    @GrandMasterDash , with respect, you need to get a grip.. You're creating an issue out of nothing. The amount requested for the budget was entirely reasonable and - with respect to @kot - chump change in the scheme of things.. Kot is not here to 'game' the DGBB system for his own personal gain...
  8. Walter

    DASH Business Development Strategy Update - FEB 2017

    That's a legitimate question to be fair.. There will be no incentive at all for Blockcypher to embrace instantsend if they're making money from their own proprietary tech? Having said that, they do make the following disclaimer clear on their website: "While we stand by our work behind our...
  9. Walter

    Version 12.1 Release

    I've just kicked off a 2 round 100 Dash privateSend mixing session... Let's see how long it takes... Update: 15mins in and we're 50% done. Impressive :) Edit: finished within 30mins. That's a big improvement on 12.0. Really impressive! Walter
  10. Walter


    Snowflake countometer = 27 ATH!
  11. Walter

    Version 12.1 Release

    IPv4 is a retrograde step IMHO but having read the arguments for/against I understand the reasoning behind the decision and I accept that it's just an extension of the VHS vs BETAMAX argument... VHS was inferior but it held the majority of market share, and that was all that mattered. That's the...
  12. Walter

    "watchdog-expired" on all masternodes after 12.1?

    @moocowmoo helped me out with the problem I had. It ended up being a syntax issue. "RPCUSER= " needs to NOT have a space between the = sign and the username supplied. I'm pretty sure that's what he said... It was a really dumb mistake tbh. He was fantastic though, really appreciated him helping...
  13. Walter

    "watchdog-expired" on all masternodes after 12.1?

    I'm getting the same error: ~/.dash/sentinel$ venv/bin/python bin/ -342: non-JSON HTTP response with '401 Unauthorized' from server Cannot connect to dashd. Please ensure dashd is running and the JSONRPC port is open to Sentinel. tried a number of things and still no result. tearing...
  14. Walter

    Recent Masternode Count

    An interesting observation... MN count has dropped by over 300 in the run up to the update. Is this MN owners just mothballing their MNs after their last payment before the switchover? Or is something else going on? I have no idea why it's dropped but it's a bit of a coincidence... There must...
  15. Walter

    Some details regarding – Sunday, February 5th - 12.1 version update

    Thanks for the info, it's a complex issue I suppose.
  16. Walter

    Some details regarding – Sunday, February 5th - 12.1 version update

    Disabling IPv6 seems like a bit of a retrograde step... What is the rationale behind it? Walter
  17. Walter

    12.1 Testnet Testing Phase Two Ignition

    On point 2: I've decided to bite the bullet and roll in a RAM upgrade to my VPS setup. These badboys are bringing in some serious income now that market price is rising. For the sake of an extra few $$ it's not worth the risk of having them lock up on me halfway through a payment cycle. It's a...
  18. Walter

    Any VPN Providers accepting DRK?

    Hi there, I had the same query recently, this is what I got back from their support team: You first login to , click on the Order Now button and select the package you wish. Copy the invoice number and username. Then head over to this page, enter the required...
  19. Walter

    Hardening masternode server

    No problem, let us know how it goes! :)
  20. Walter

    Hardening masternode server

    No problem, I'm not entirely sure about exactly how long the MN daemon can be offline for (it is documented somewhere) but in my experience up to 10mins has never been a problem. Server hardenings are not a problem as long as you continue to meet the prerequisits for maintaining an active...