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  1. Walter

    Dash Trust Protectors Please React!

    I agree with your sentiments completely, any abuse of power anywhere in the ecosystem is unacceptable and needs to be exposed and dealt with accordingly. Walter
  2. Walter

    Dash Trust Protectors Please React!

    Hello, I think this comment of mine: May have been lost in translation.. I'm not referring to Mark Mason getting involved in the initial controversy. I'm referring to Robert's decision to publicly air his grievances and call for Trust Protector action against Mark. We already received a...
  3. Walter

    Dash Trust Protectors Please React!

    Hello Dash Community, I don't usually comment publicly on these matters, however, a DCG board member has decided to make this a public discussion and so it will require a public response from the parties mentioned. At this point I wish to make clear that I speak for myself here, and I'm not...
  4. Walter

    What's this Trust Protector thing all about? Let's meet them and chat about Dash stuff.

    Hello All I have decided to put my name forward as a candidate for a Trust Protector position. I was bitten by the crypto bug in 2013 and bought my first Bitcoin way back then. I’ve followed Dash pretty much from the beginning when it re-branded from X-coin to Darkcoin. I liked what Evan was...
  5. Walter

    Dash Core Group Q4 2018 Summary Call - 7 February 2019

    Hi @strophy I'm a bit late to the party but I'd like to ask for an update on BitGo if we can squeeze that in please? DCG asked for MNO's to support a $500K proposal for BitGo to integrate Dash, it's all seems to have gone quiet since it got funded. Have there been any notable integrations or...
  6. Walter

    Announcing my departure from Dash Core Group

    Thanks for all you've done so far Andy, you and your team have created something truly special and we cannot wait to see how the network grows from here. Exciting times! Thanks again Andy. Walter
  7. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Geez, I've seen it all now... :rolleyes: Walter
  8. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Why? Why should it set alarm bells ringing? Is our current logo immune from the forces of popular opinion? Walter
  9. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    I wouldn't get too excited dude... It's more than likely going to be "Dash". Maybe with "Digital Cash" stuck on the end. Walter
  10. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    The Dash "D" isn't truly "Iconic".. 99% of the world population doesn't even know it exists..? Neil Armstrong = Iconic Bill Gates = Iconic Steve Jobs = Iconic The Beatles = Iconic Dash Digital Cash = Who? Walter
  11. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    I'm not interesting in voting for BASH. WTF is BASH? Walter
  12. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Doesn't sound like it.. Sounds like you have issues with your sexuality if you ask me.. Walter
  13. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    Well that's approximately half the population of humanity discounted for... How do we go about eliminating the rest? Walter
  14. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    What are these arbitrary tests you talk of actually based on? Walter
  15. Walter

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    I'm astonished at how many branding and marketing experts we have in our midst all of a sudden! :rolleyes: On a serious note: the majority of talking heads in our community, with respect, do not not know what they are talking about (even those that think they do). As the saying goes, opinions...
  16. Walter

    Webpage Stats - Feb 2018 - good info for MNO's

    Is there any way of removing February data from the charts above? It would be easier to analyse if data was taken to the last full month of figures. Thanks Walter
  17. Walter

    Pre-Proposal: - Online Shopping Marketplace

    Thank for your responses on Dashcentral, much appreciated. I really like the idea and I genuinely want to support it but I really think you should consider a tender process for this website development work - given the high price you've been quoted. You don't need to go to India to get it done...
  18. Walter

    Pre-Proposal: - Online Shopping Marketplace

    Hello, A few more questions: - Which country will the website be operated from? And where will the data be physically hosted? This is important as it governs what your obligations are with regards to data protection. - There seems to be little in the way of details about how you plan to keep...
  19. Walter

    Congratulations Fernando Gutierrez - Dash Core Group, Chief Marketing Officer

    Congrats @fernando this is a really exciting development! Walter
  20. Walter

    Welcome Bradley Zastrow - Director of Global Business Development

    Welcome to the team @Bradley Zastrow, so pleased that we've found a suitable candidate for such an important role, 2018 is gonna be one hell'uva year for Dash! . Best wishes, Walter