Search results

  1. George Donnelly

    Una Ciudad Cripto en Latinoamérica con Dash?

    ¡Gracias vecino! Listo, estoy estudiando esas propuestas, muchísimas gracias. :) Por otro lado, les actualizo, ha sido mi gran placer recibir los consejos de Edward y trabajar con Mireya aca en Medellín. Ya tenemos lo siguiente: - Un meetup de 60 personas:
  2. George Donnelly

    Pre-proposal: AgroCognitive - An ultimate solution to bring Dash to the fields (First month)

    Given that there are predictions of imminent famine in Venezuela, this is timely and helpful. It would be interesting to see the Spanish version of the flyer. It would be helpful I think to have the Dash logo on the flyer. It would be interesting to see some video of how you present...
  3. George Donnelly

    I have a problem GetFreeDash

    @Dashmaximalist I'd like to offer a couple ideas for improving the communication situation with your users. - Why not put up a blog or at least a status page on your website, where you can keep folks updated on the situation? People like communication. - You might also create a mailing list...
  4. George Donnelly

    Dash Force News, World’s First DAO-Run News Service, Turns One Year Old

    Impressive work! I read and RT DFN articles at least a few times a week. Great info, well-written. Looking forward to what your next year brings. :)
  5. George Donnelly


    Interesting idea! Can you provide more detail on your educational program? Decision-makers here like to see details, budgets, plans. Recommend you invest some more time in developing your idea. Keep going!
  6. George Donnelly

    Una Ciudad Cripto en Latinoamérica con Dash?

    Gracias, si, estoy leyendo sobre sus proyectos y viendo sus videos, espero aprender mucho de ustedes. :)
  7. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    This is the topic of this thread: I'm speaking with Eugenia of Dash Caracas, Edward of and a couple other Dash folks in the area. The idea is to learn from Eugenia, Edward and the others, build...
  8. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    I'm very optimistic on David's idea. I love it, but I also see this side which is why it is important to start small. One of the first thoughts I had was that refugees/migrants are far from an ideal population for Dash. That said, money is trust. And helping people in desperate straits builds...
  9. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    No offense intended but I just question the utility of distributing 50 cents via SMS confirmations. Two concerns come to mind: - I'm not sure what anyone is going to do with 50 cents other than to verify that Dash works as promised, i.e. as a novelty. That is valuable, but what's the next step...
  10. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    The idea of getting the airdropped Dash to circulate once to the merchants is on the table. Why don't we try and now think about how the Dash can circulate further once the merchants have it? By doing research ahead of time, we can find out not only what merchants the migrants are doing business...
  11. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    Another datapoint that comes to mind is that the Cúcuta government and the people of Cúcuta are desperate to reduce the number of Venezuelans in the area. An influx of 200,000 to 300,000 for a town of 650,000 is quite a challenge, not to mention that 50,000 new people are crossing the border...
  12. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    This is a great idea. Right now I know people who are receiving cash from abroad via Western Union, red-tapified bank transfers, that ilk. Ugh. That, and there is a huge amount of internal remittance that happens, via companies like Efecty. Wonderful idea. I hadn't considered that.
  13. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    My budget includes flights (Medellín > Cúcuta > Bogota > Medellín, secure hotel, transportation to and from airports and within Cúcuta, money to pay migrants for interviews, money to cover the expenses of a second (or third) person / security / driver depending on what I am able to arrange (I...
  14. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    Sponsorship for the trip? My budget is looking like $2500. If my vlogging rig gets stolen, $3700. :D EDIT: And in return I'm fully willing to say the videos are sponsored by someone. I can produce a set of videos in a certain style, I can talk to certain people, or whatever. I pitched it to DFN...
  15. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    I'm a 17-year resident of Colombia and have experience with displaced people here. As I have mentioned to you privately, David, there must be merchant adoption first. Otherwise, these understandably desperate migrants are going to cash their crypto out for Colombian Pesos at their first...
  16. George Donnelly

    How to onboard 300,000 new users in one geographic location

    A couple other benefits that come to mind: - The Venezuelans here (I'm in Medellín) are more stable and settled. They're less likely to move on, as the economy here is better than elsewhere. IOW, they came to Medellín for a reason and are not just passing through (like in Cúcuta). With a stable...
  17. George Donnelly

    Una Ciudad Cripto en Latinoamérica con Dash?

    Awesome! And amen, paisas are entrepreneurial people always looking for the latest thing. I will research the Dash Embassy thing and learn everything I can from the Dash Venezuela folks. I have a contact at RutaN and, indeed, in a bowling pin kind of strategy I was also thinking tourism would...
  18. George Donnelly

    Una Ciudad Cripto en Latinoamérica con Dash?

    Me fascinaría colaborar y ya mismo estoy echando ojo a ese enlace. Muchísimas gracias. :)
  19. George Donnelly

    Una Ciudad Cripto en Latinoamérica con Dash?

    (English below.) Hola, para expandir la adopción de Dash en Latinoamérica, estoy pensando en escoger una ciudad importante y hacer una campaña de muchos meses para lograr aceptación de Dash entre comerciantes, que lo entiendan en gobierno, en las empresas mas grandes y mas que todo entre las...
  20. George Donnelly

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hi, I'm a copywriter, email marketer, scifi author and liberty activist. I've been using crypto since 2011 but sadly only now have I discovered how interesting a project Dash is and how well it aligns with my own principles. I live in Medellín, Colombia, am fluent in Spanish and am thinking...