Search results

  1. Sven

    "ProTx address does not match local address"

    Yesterday I already did, all on my local machine: close Dash Core, delete all *.dat files except wallet.dat, relaunch Dash Core. At first, it showed the MN with the correct IP as specified in the masternode.conf file on the My Masternodes tab. Status was MISSING. Then, as it rebuilt various...
  2. Sven

    "ProTx address does not match local address"

    The MN is in the DIP3 list. As I wrote, the MN had already been on ENABLED status for a while, both in the DIP3 and the My Masternodes list. Then it went back to SENTINEL_PING_EXPIRED, then to EXPIRED (see Edit 1) on the My Masternodes tab. Now it shows NEW_START_REQUIRED. Such backwards...
  3. Sven

    "ProTx address does not match local address"

    Went through the registration procedure and at first everything seemed to have gone fine. No errors and MN showed up in the DIP3 Masternodes tab in Dash Core wallet and showed ENABLED. Great! Went to get something to eat and came back to find "SENTINEL_PING_EXPIRED". Crap! Trying to relaunch...
  4. Sven

    Owner vs. Operator etc.

    Thanks, @qwizzie that helps! @strophy, yes, I read that page. It doesn't explain the difference between the two roles very well though. Can you give an example of owner and operator being two different entities? (Something like Crowdnode? But with those fractional "ownerships", isn't Crowdnode...
  5. Sven

    v0.13 registration: two MNs, one QT core

    Thanks, very interesting. So I just issue that command multiple times and which key I use with which MN doesn't matter as long as I keep track to always use the same key for the same MN, correct?
  6. Sven

    Owner vs. Operator etc.

    I'm not really clear about some of the concepts of the new masternode setup. First, what is the difference between owner and operator? Perhaps that also helps clear up what operatorReward is for. I'd put 100% in there because of course I want all of it. But if not, where else would it go? Also...
  7. Sven

    v0.13 registration: two MNs, one QT core

    From that link, it seems I also need a different BLS key pair for each MN? bls generate only creates one. So I just issue that command multiple times and keep track separately which key I use for which MN? What does BLS actually stand for?
  8. Sven

    Help with understanding the v0.13 upgrade

    The slash before tmp refers to the root level of your server. So it's not in /home/[username]/.dashcore/tmp but simply /tmp parallel to /home. BTW, a tilde ~ always refers to your user home folder. So ~/tmp would be the same as /home/[username]/tmp.
  9. Sven

    Couldn't connect to server and dashd unexpectedly quit

    Thanks, that worked, although I also had to delete instantsend.dat (another zero-length file). Now it's running smoothly.
  10. Sven

    Couldn't connect to server and dashd unexpectedly quit

    I have the same problem (dashd unexpectedly quit). I followed the manual update procedure here and added the BLS key to dash.conf then restarted the server. For every restart attempt, my debug log shows in the...
  11. Sven

    Dashcore 0.13 download PGP signature doesn't match?

    I just downloaded the new wallet v0.13.0.0 from The .asc signature file shows the download has been signed by Alexander Block with email address [email protected] and key ID of EC105D04. The Dash Core team page at lists...
  12. Sven

    Announcing my departure from Dash Core Group

    Sorry to see you leave, Andy! But I'll be looking forward to some great DAPs coming from you!
  13. Sven


    ... especially when those random people only have two posts ever, both of their posts promote the same "service", and one always "confirms" (a.k.a shills for) the other. To be more blunt, don't trust @olliesmith and @david samuel 's recommendation above.
  14. Sven

    Core Team Taxes (Part 2 of 3: September)

    May I ask why the Dash Core Group chose to incorporate in the US?
  15. Sven

    Some Thoughts on Dash's Funding Priorities, DashText, and Dash's Future

    I'd prefer something to read and skim over at my own pace, rather than having to watch somebody talk for a quarter hour. Why does everything have to be a video nowadays? Make a video when you have something to show. Otherwise, write it down so it's searchable and quotable.
  16. Sven

    Same MN paid in subsequent blocks

    I understand once a masternode gets paid, it's moved to the end of the payment queue again and the next payment will occur at some point after it moved up to the top 10% range, typically somewhere between 7-10 days. I just browsed around the Dash blockchain and came across the two subsequent...
  17. Sven

    Who signs Dash releases and where is the PGP public key file?

    Thanks! This information should be posted on the download pages or at least be linked to from there.
  18. Sven

    Question about Dash Vote Tracker and Dash Central!!!

    Too bad you only put three exclamation marks!!!! Clearly, your questions is not important!!!! Next time put at least four!!!! Or fourty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /s
  19. Sven

    Who signs Dash releases and where is the PGP public key file?

    I see a new wallet release on That page also offers a hash file SHA256SUMS.asc to verify the integrity of the releases. The hash file is signed in PGP. So far so good. I'm using GPG Tools on a Mac and it complains: "Verification FAILED: Signature can not be...
  20. Sven

    CEX.IO is a SCAM EXCHANGE used for stealing of Investor deposits and IDENTITY THEFT!!!

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. I don't want to defend CEX, but I also don't like being yelled at in all-caps about what to do or not to do. Especially not by an unknown new user's very first post and without any substance or proof, except some more screaming. Post details of...