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  1. oaxaca

    The Evolution not-a-whitepaper is anti-privacy?

    Here is the place for this discussion:
  2. oaxaca

    Budget Proposal: User Friendly Raspberry Pi DASH custom built nodes

    I'd like to join the not-so-cool kids club. How do I run an LP again? It's been a while...
  3. oaxaca

    Budget Proposal: User Friendly Raspberry Pi DASH custom built nodes

    A much better use of resources and a way to gain traction in Africa would be to replace MPesa with DASH on mobiles.
  4. oaxaca

    Budget Proposal: User Friendly Raspberry Pi DASH custom built nodes

    There's a difference between a user of cryptocurrency (99+%) and a masternode operator (<1%). As mentioned above, there are barriers to entry to the tune of 1000 DASH. If anybody is investing that much money, they come to realize that you SHOULD have a VPS rented from a 24/7 datacenter. Or...
  5. oaxaca

    Evolution - Dashdrive Discussion

    As I understand it, the shards are "striped" across various masternodes as well as having redundant sets. The optimum number of copies can be calculated using "uptime" of each node. Should be pretty slick. Unless the kill switch is pulled on the internet of course.
  6. oaxaca

    Announcing Dash Evolution Open Sourcing | Highlights From The Conference

    Why did they choose a "bitcoin is broken" logo for the conference?
  7. oaxaca

    Evolution - Dashdrive Discussion

    I get it. It's terrifying and beautiful. Gone are the days of downloading 3500 copies of the blockchain onto the drive of each node. Now, the hard drives of each node are 1/3500 of the blockchain. Instead of querying your local copy "dash-cli getinfo", you query the high-performance shared...
  8. oaxaca

    Dash, backed by innovation

    Legitimacy in the eyes of the masses does not involve Wall Street. Leave that to BTC. They are so far down the banksters gullets it can never be vomitted back up. More and more of "the masses" are avoiding Wall Street every day. Better to concentrate on functionality and adoption will surely...
  9. oaxaca

    Announcing Dash Evolution Open Sourcing | Highlights From The Conference

    Excellent work, congratulations. Nice angle with the "we're here to help" to the Bitcoin crowd. It sounds like the attendees have a different, more positive perspective than the Bitcoin braintrust. Here are some quotes from the Scaling conference in Hong Kong:
  10. oaxaca

    Evolution - Automatic Instant Transactions Discussion

    Transferring funds from address A to address B is a transaction. Sending a message between a wallet and the network is a transaction. Writing to the Dashdrive is a transaction. Since all of these "transactions" (and many more types) are verified instantly in RAM by the software, they are all...
  11. oaxaca

    Evolution - Automatic Instant Transactions Discussion

    Since the introduction of InstantX , Dash has established itself as the fastest cryptocurrency on the market. However, in the current system (v12) this service has to be requested in the wallet. This will no longer be necessary, as this latest implementation of Dash will provide an automatic...
  12. oaxaca

    Evolution - Decentralized Network Administration Discussion

    "Based on the shared infrastructure and quorums, Masternode operators will use a SQLlike language called DSQL. This will allow the Masternode network to vote to ban malicious users or even entire networks of related attackers. After ridding the network of these attacks, we can restore the trust...
  13. oaxaca

    Evolution - Decentralized Network Administration Discussion

    The Dash Network is run by a decentralized administration workforce, known as the Masternode network. This is a decentralized P2P network comprised of thousands of people that together can administer the network, remove threats, deal with attacks and reduce the load and strain on the network by...
  14. oaxaca

    Dash Evolution Discussion Thread

    Can we try to organize the discussion a little bit? This is too massive for a single thread. Here are 2 issue specific threads I started in the Tech section. I encourage others to start specific threads there:
  15. oaxaca

    Evolution - Social Wallet Discussion

    Users will have a username and password which they use to access the network. The username will be reserved by using features of DashDrive and the password (812 words) will be used to create an HD wallet. A primary key will be pulled from this HD wallet, which is used to retrieve information...
  16. oaxaca

    Evolution - Dashdrive Discussion

    Each member of the second tier will be required to have a specific amount of storage space in order to power the DashDrive filesystem. By sharding the storage via the collateral transaction hash, we can define 1024 different shared storage devices on the network. We use 1024 because, we can...
  17. oaxaca

    Dash to speak and exhibit at the 3rd Latin American Bitcoin Conference - Mexico

    Did anybody cap the video of the panel discussion?
  18. oaxaca

    Dash Unicode letter

    So, if I bet that the Vietnamese currency will go up, I would be Long Dong?