Hi Juan,
You can start by explaining the block reward. 100% transaction security (BTC) vs. 45% Security - 45% Greatly enhanced functionality (masternodes) - 10% discretionary budget. From that basis, you can explain the other points.
His point was that there were and are MANY variables (not all listed). As with any complex system, they overlap and can feed off of each other or even cancel each other out.
I wasn't being rude. I suggested that he do more and learn more. It would appear that is happening:
The DASH community is stronger with active masternode owners rather than passive ones. Is that wrong?
I strongly advise you to learn how things work with DASH.
The reason Masternodes are compensated with block rewards is because they provide services to the network. Those responsiblities include:
Keeping the server up and running 24/7,
Researching the proposals that put forward, and
Voting on...
Read my post again. My point was that you cannot assume 1 variable (transform) caused the increase in price.
BTW, the soda machine was very far from a finished product. It worked, and it worked well beyond what anybody thought it would. Finished? Not a chance.
Back on topic if you guys can handle it.
Correlation does not equal causation. Is the ONLY variable that determines the price of DASH whether or not Transform PR is "on the case"? No, of course not. Is CO2 the ONLY variable that influences global heat balances? No of course not...
This is surely the feel good story of the year. The best part is that the story writes itself. "I'm speaking here to you today because.........decentrailzed governance............funded by the blockchain itself........"