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  1. TheDashGuy

    Dash Parody Old vs New Money Super Bowl Ad

    WOOOT! Now everyone quickly go download it off youtube so when the DMCA's come we can put up 10x more online until they give up lol
  2. TheDashGuy

    In light of the new 'Merchant Payment' signs. I made a whole set.

    Added some more colors: Oh and if anyone wants translated versions just give me a PM with the translations and I'll get those made
  3. TheDashGuy

    Linux (Dummy) Guide for dashvend ?

    If he can supply the commoners version of instructions, I'd happily make him a website aimed at this purpose. We've discussed it but he basically said only developers will need this stuff so a website wouldn't work out too well beyond just github. But if we could turn it into more of an...
  4. TheDashGuy

    In light of the new 'Merchant Payment' signs. I made a whole set.

    Why thank ye! And of course, would google translate work or would you like to provide me some common tongue translations?
  5. TheDashGuy

    In light of the new 'Merchant Payment' signs. I made a whole set.

    I will be cleaning up the .PSD and saving all of these out individually as .JPG & .PNG formats, then hosting them all on when the site soft launches in a couple weeks. (Still just a landing page for now) Just thought I'd drop off this sample for everyone as it seems to be a hot...
  6. TheDashGuy

    New "Bitcoin" Film: Dope - out on Netflix now. Was one of the more entertaining movies I have seen in a while, and they integrated Bitcoin very well. I hope we see more movies like this in the near future. Go check it out everyone! Movie summary: A kid from a poor...
  7. TheDashGuy

    Budget Proposal: DASH Sponsored Interviews, Anarchapulco - Juan S. Galt

    Some quality research went into this... good job Juan! You got my votes.
  8. TheDashGuy

    Merchant Graphics ! (Dash Logo's, Buttons,...)

    Good stuff! Might try my hand at some as well later. This made a few ideas pop into my head...
  9. TheDashGuy

    Official Dash faucet?

    Don't bother with faucets, it takes months to get enough and they rarely payout on a timely schedule lol I got like 5 cents after like 3 months finally sent to me for referrals.... lol We'd be better of creating a "dash tutorial" with a small 25 cent reward at the end per email address or...
  10. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    oOoOOooooOOOoo I'll be at your aid online so tweet me up a storm please! The more content the bigger bang we can have that weekend. I'll keep up the social media mini-campaign all week as well so as long as we can get recordings and such sooner than later we can really capitalize on it. Also...
  11. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Woot woot! grab some cards if you need as well from JuanSGalt! I'm sure he'll have plenty of extras
  12. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    " For more information, visit" If possible, if you need a graphic it would take seconds, just let me know what size officemax says.
  13. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Where are you living? Office depot would easily get it done same day, Wal-Mart is a chancey place :p
  14. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    I know places like office depot and such can do stamps in like 45 minutes MAX. The stamp-maker machine just requires the properly sized .jpg and the laser cutter does the rest. Let me know what size you go with if you do a stamp and/or need the graphic made for it.
  15. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    ericsammons made the original graphic btw. I think you think I did? :p
  16. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    For a last minute print job, those look great!!! Agree with alex-ru though, we should get these ducks in a line for people that need this stuff. We should have a WHOLE collection of different marketing collateral for people to use.... I'll make sure to bake this into when i get...
  17. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    I made it from scratch & the stock photo is free from
  18. TheDashGuy

    What cool DASH feature excites you the most?

    I like the way this guy thinks!
  19. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    He must be using a mirror and his phone at the same time! hahahaha yea now that you point it out, this image is PURELY meant for advertising xD
  20. TheDashGuy

    DASH at Anarchapulco

    Post a photo of them afterwards pretty pleaseo :D Love this communities effort!