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  1. TheDashGuy

    Ethereum Comedy Gold Enjoy. you are welcome.
  2. TheDashGuy

    Proposal: Tao Community Coordinator

    THIS. Jut like Amanda did.
  3. TheDashGuy Soft Launch

    Get off the drugs. You are living in some alternate reality where you think you are actually smart. I'm just going to go ahead and warn you once then im throwing you on ignore. Stop talking as if you know anything because you don't. Come get your little bitch in check core team. He's about to...
  4. TheDashGuy Soft Launch

    You must be retarded.
  5. TheDashGuy

    Core Team Budgeting Update

    Welcome to the sunlight, how has the cave been?
  6. TheDashGuy

    Proposal: Tao Community Coordinator is nothing more than a domain name with hand curated Dash news on it. Stop taking it to some crazy level just because how Tao likes to tweet and word things online. Dash Nation has no hopes to be official in any capacity. It's an idea that Tao started and we all help out with that...
  7. TheDashGuy Soft Launch

    Also: Will duplicate and make it more legible, as well as give wallets a more featured, image based area since they are so obviously the main target most of the time. No sense in...
  8. TheDashGuy Soft Launch

    Added some RSS feeds into the footer area for some extra yummy content possibilities. Working on a dash link directory as well. Downloads page in the works with cool community made wallpapers and such. Also considering the possibility of ordering a couple hundred "lawn signs" and reselling...
  9. TheDashGuy Soft Launch

    Without further adue... Will be adding more goals, pages, and ideas as we go. For now we're just trying to get everyone all the important content without making people do the research or check in on 10 websites daily to feel like they are in the loop. Will explain...
  10. TheDashGuy

    New website discussion

    The "background video" I kept referring to could be ALOT like this one: Educates you on what ledger does pretty quickly...
  11. TheDashGuy

    Entering Main-Stream Media: SpectroCoin adding Dash to Exchange

    Interesting, I wonder how long until we start appearing on the main stream news outlets...
  12. TheDashGuy

    Core Team Budgeting Update

    Love it.
  13. TheDashGuy

    Dash Detailed Episode #2

    (I think Amanda forgot about the forums or is busy, so I just posted it because I'm bored LOL)
  14. TheDashGuy

    A Call for tungfa to Heed the Masternodes' Vote

    Can you guys literally just stop posting in this thread? Kthx.
  15. TheDashGuy - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Nope still does it for me. If someone else with a real android phones wants to check maybe that will help to, I just have some crap galaxy express $100 Android phone, could be lack of phone intelligence maybe I'm an outlier lol. Anyways what happens is simply that the background of the...
  16. TheDashGuy - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    Il check it out in a bit thanks man!
  17. TheDashGuy

    New forum bugs

    God I thought it was just me, it keeps auto refreshing my page to! Goddamn broken FB scripts.
  18. TheDashGuy - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    I noticed: .comment-content{} Try adding display:inline-block; to that? It just has padding and the text inside is lacking a P wrapper, might help as well.
  19. TheDashGuy

    Join Dash's very own Decentralized Social Media Squad!

    Just wanted to update everyone on the types of efforts we'll be focusing on: Example of something I worked on planning today, waiting till JUST the right time to ninja edit and link people to that would be readily accepting of the purpose of me sending them there from a political sub...
  20. TheDashGuy

    Thought about Budget Proposals

    Sad stuff man. Sad stuff. Sorry again. Sad to see people feel this way simply due to lack of proper organization and planning.