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  1. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Dash to Fiat Payment Processor

    Where did you order stickers from?
  2. TheDashGuy

    The Community could help me run the Half Marathon of Argentina through campaign donations?

    I still say we should do it and someone get this man a gopro!
  3. TheDashGuy

    The Community could help me run the Half Marathon of Argentina through campaign donations?

    Do you own a gopro and can you film this run step by step? That is a HUGE factor here. IMO.
  4. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Alex-ru promotional initiatives

    And going forward Alex would you mind putting up some sort of "dash per hour" cost to your services? I'm sure we could start some sort of mini economy around here if everyone had a "going rate" for their skill set so that organized projects have places to look for helpful community members! I...
  5. TheDashGuy

    Public Dash Slack Community

    Oh damnit I forgot they switched the main default channel to something else! ERG! Ok well in that case entrant #125 instead :p
  6. TheDashGuy

    Public Dash Slack Community

    That was so fast! I linked the github what like 12 hours ago? Damn good job naruby! This Slack is becoming rather large.... aboutt o hit 100 people! I say the 100th person gets a 1 Dash from me, anyone else wanna toss some onto the pot? buster? :p I love this place. Thanks for making it buster...
  7. TheDashGuy

    Would you buy cool Dash stickers in packs of 5-10?

    I know ;] Do as you please, I'm not worried. I will eventually start a dedicated dash sticker store and possibly do some t-shirts as well, but not through zazzle, I will most likely do high quality ones and do the packaging and shipping myself.
  8. TheDashGuy

    Tante's Plea for Voting Participation

    Dash is a like a presidential election that never ends.... Brb making lawn flags and signs.
  9. TheDashGuy

    How is the monthly $15,000 for 'Public Awareness' currently being spent?

    /popcorn I love these threads! let's get straight to it. tungfa kot Might be some of the names you are looking for. They know a thing or two about this subject. edit: I say we take .25%-1% of the reward and donate it to charities. Why the hell not? Right?
  10. TheDashGuy

    WTS DASH SWAG - zazzle store

    You sound like me! Minus the Photoshop stuff lol. I literally explained Dash to a homeless guy a few weeks back and he was mind blown. I have helped 3 people download wallets WHILE on the bus. (Coinbase wallets though) Grassroots ftw! (I'll make you some t-shirt designs in the coming weeks...
  11. TheDashGuy

    Dash World: Evolution in Marketing (budget proposal)

    Thats the same reasoning that will get Trump or Hillary elected! Cmon man! I do think we need a way to condense these proposal discussions though....
  12. TheDashGuy

    The Community could help me run the Half Marathon of Argentina through campaign donations?

    This. How much do we need to collectively donate? Cause we could easily just set aside a fund each month for charitable donations that Dash collectively wants to donate to...
  13. TheDashGuy

    Pre-Proposal Discussion: Alex-ru promotional initiatives

    Let's show the community we appreciate and support these types of people and want them to keep up the great work and invite others to do the same! Vote Yes!
  14. TheDashGuy

    WTS DASH SWAG - zazzle store

    What are the options in the back end of zazzle? Why not upload a list of things you "COULD" sell here and get peoples opinions on what to make next? Would you like some other designs maybe too? Dash logo is nice obviously but having some cool options would be nice :p
  15. TheDashGuy

    Would you buy cool Dash stickers in packs of 5-10?

    Get out of my thread!!!! Kidding, glad people are supporting the community!
  16. TheDashGuy

    Would you buy cool Dash stickers in packs of 5-10?

    Also looking for Masternode related "sayings" & "relavant data to a normal bitcoiner" to use as content for a masternode sticker or 2. So if yhou think you have an awesome saying I'd love to hear it. Also looking to find a way to say what dash is without words....
  17. TheDashGuy

    Would you buy cool Dash stickers in packs of 5-10?

    Hey everyone! Your resident troll here just to lay down some real life marketing efforts, so I would appreciate some honest feedback! Thanks! As most of you have seen, myself and a few others have been working on our own type of marketing efforts and just doing our best to show that we can do...
  18. TheDashGuy important links

    It's been said before. The current forum mod Propulsion is mia. They are trying to rebuild the forum to maintain control of it but there is noone in place to supply the current database thus losing the content is going to be an issue unless they get ahold of him. Many opinions about this...
  19. TheDashGuy

    Dash Proposal Document Templates

    Wonderful improvement guys!