Search results

  1. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Conferences & Travel (March)

    This proposal is cross-posted at This proposal funds a portion of the costs for Dash to participate at two conferences during the month of May. As there remains a significant portion of the March budget cycle unallocated, and we anticipate some...
  2. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Bus Dev - BlockCypher Maint

    This is a cross-post from This proposal funds one year of maintenance attached to the currently-passing BlockCypher contract. Support for the BlockCypher contract has been very strong and it appears highly likely to pass. As of this...
  3. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Infrastructure - Datacenter (March)

    This is a cross-post from This proposal is to fund the core team's ongoing infrastructure costs. Ongoing costs are outlined below. We increased the budget requested starting in Februrary because we are migrating several websites to...
  4. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Dash Offices (March)

    Core team financials, including a balance sheet with per-budget balances, are published on a quarterly basis. The next report is scheduled to be released on March 9th on the quarterly conference call. If you cannot join for the call, the slides and a recording will be posted with a day or two...
  5. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Dash Offices (March)

    This is a cross-post from This proposal funds our monthly rent and other expenses for our occupancy at our new offices in Scottsdale, Arizona. We moved into our new space February 1st. The March occupancy period was funded in the February...
  6. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: DashCore Development (March)

    This is also posted at This funding proposal extends the existing supplemental development resources dedicated to DashCore development. It funds two full-time developers and two part-time developers for: - Ongoing development of DashDrive...
  7. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Core Team - Admin (March)

    This is a cross post from (ignore the network name of the proposal, this was an error... at least it wasn't "beer-reimbursement" this time) This proposal funds all non-development core team contractors. The following functions are funded...
  8. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Evolution Development - Subcontractors (March)

    This is a cross-post from This proposal provides continued funding for development resources for the Evolution team, adjusted to the current exchange rate and current team costs. The original proposal can be found here...
  9. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Business Development - BlockCypher

    This is a cross-post from This proposal funds the integration cost and support costs for Dash integration with BlockCypher, a third-party API hot-wallet service. BlockCypher is not a consumer-facing service, so I suspect many masternode...
  10. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Infrastructure - Applications (March)

    This is a cross-post from This budget proposal is to fund the acquisition of an annual subscription to the full version of Slack for our "working Slack". The core team uses Slack as its virtual office to coordinate all our teams located...
  11. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Dash Offices (Feb)

    Just message me and we can arrange a time.
  12. Ryan Taylor

    Dash Offices at SkySong

    Dash was selected to present at the quarterly SkySong development update on February 28th. It is a ten minute presentation about the project, before the entire SkySong facility community, with a short Q&A afterward. This will be a great opportunity to get the other affiliates across SkySong more...
  13. Ryan Taylor

    Financial accountability ?

    It is available in our "Official Communication" portion of our Atlassian site. I was only referencing the video because it contains some supplemental discussion that I thought you might find useful. Here is the document from the core team call, which contains a financial section...
  14. Ryan Taylor

    Financial accountability ?

    We do provide income and balance sheet statements on a quarterly basis starting with Q3 of last year. These reports were discussed on the last quarterly core team call, which you can watch on the YouTube channel. Prior to my involvement, the monies were handled in very informal fashion, and...
  15. Ryan Taylor

    Dash Offices at SkySong

    Dash's orientation at ASU was this afternoon. We met with the head of the facility, the meetings and events team, the facilities coordinators, the IT staff, the billing department, and the community liaison that helps foster connections with the university and other companies at the innovation...
  16. Ryan Taylor

    February 2017 Budget Report

    2017 is off to an amazing start, with a vastly expanded budget this month. With prices up about 50% compared to a month ago, we are confidently able to add to the team and fund larger expenses within a single month. The core team has completed its requests for the February budget cycle. The core...
  17. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Business Development - Major Exchange

    You are not on ignore. Please tag @babygiraffe in your post if you want me to reply. I have provided as much detail as I can about the exchange. I would not consider SpectroCoin a "major exchange".
  18. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Business Development - Major Exchange

    I would say the main deterrent is this company's reputation. Should they breach the agreement, it would be public knowledge. However, if they went ahead with a delisting anyway, under that scenario we would need to consider legal options and whether that is worthwhile expense... we could pursue...
  19. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Business Development - Major Exchange

    1. Yes, the exchange exists and is a well-recognized exchange 2. As the proposal states, $25,000 will be paid at the beginning (not $30,000). All payments are direct to the exchange. There are no third-party contractors. 3. n/a I apologize for the confusion... I copied and pasted everything...
  20. Ryan Taylor

    Proposal: Business Development - Major Exchange

    This is a cross-post from This proposal seeks funding to cover the costs of reviewing the software and technology for integrating Dash into a major cryptocurrency exchange with fiat funding. Over the last several weeks the Dash business development...