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  1. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    Do you know what other benefit it would have that I think nobody else has yet thought about? If the rewards were paid out into the stable coin it would massively improve the ability for MN to pay their taxes on rewards without any complications. The problem at the moment is that calculating all...
  2. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    A very interesting and creative concept. That would solve many problems that proposal owners are having. I think you could have come up with something here that is truly ground breaking.
  3. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    @EUsouth very interesting indeed the conversion of DASH transactional to a stable coin could have a fee associated with it that could be used to fund the network, especially as each year that goes by the amount of reward payments payable to the network MNO and Miners decreases. We need to find...
  4. DeepBlue

    Pre-Proposal: The Dash Dollar

    I have just been made aware of this thread after I have also opened a thread on a similar subject. I propose that it is essential to have a stable coin however I would suggest 3 DASH stable...
  5. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    @EUsouth, thanks for that link. It was really interesting. I'm pleased to see that others are thinking along the same lines. After reading this I've thought of a refinement to my original suggestion and to propose that we consider a set of 3 DASH stable coins, not just one. They would in...
  6. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    I would like to clarify when I referred to the phrase "customer of DASH" what I mean is anyone that wishes to use DASH which could be savers, users, merchants, traders or whoever - collectively I am referring to them as "customers" of DASH. We could call them "users" if you wish. I am...
  7. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why the crypto price drop and bear market is positive for mass adoption

    One other, maybe unseen way the price drop is of great value is that it shows us that we need to find a way to keep stability in the price. Every time there is an issue that affects crypto mass adoption it points to the very features and developments we need to create to deal with that issue...
  8. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    Absolutely agree. The friction is removed from the customer and passed to the dev team to develop a solution to remove it. That is how all successful organizations operate. They bear the friction for the customers - and then the customer flock to that organization. From my own business...
  9. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    I leave the merit of the suggestion to stand on its own as to whether it should be classed as a worthy idea or if it should be classed as a "stumbling block". I believe time will show my suggestion to be correct for the reasons I've stated previously in these messages. If a coin cannot...
  10. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    Thanks to @AgnewPickens again for some great constructive feedback! This type of feedback helps me more clearly articulate and clarify what I'm suggesting. Correct, there are other stable coins however they will not do precisely what we need. e.g. they cannot integrate into the DASH wallet...
  11. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    Thank you for your comment. A POS system may or may not have the ability to instantly convert DASH to a fiat currency but even if it did places with high inflation such as Venezuela would not benefit from this because the currency they would convert to would be unstable. Purchasing another...
  12. DeepBlue

    What DASH needs to set it above all other cryptos

    The concept of crypto currency was designed initially using the best of traditional money systems e.g. Gold. Being of limited supply, requiring work to mine, being fungible etc. However what I feel is missing is stability i.e. a coin that does not vary in price closely linked to DASH. If you...
  13. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why the crypto price drop and bear market is positive for mass adoption

    I stand corrected on my proposed calculations of the minimum DASH price thanks to @Quentin and dare I say it @camosoul. The minimum price indeed could be lower than $40 USD even if MNOs don't sell out because it depends on the price that people are willing to pay for the DASH on the open...
  14. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why the crypto price drop and bear market is positive for mass adoption

    With the significant price drop in the entire crypto market many people have expressed their discouragement and dismay about the loss in value of DASH at this time. However there is an upside to this drop in price. The following is my opinion only and not intended as financial advice. When...
  15. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why NFC could be better than "Evolution" for Granny and Mass Adoption

    I recommend anyone reading this post watch the sample youtube videos I've provided in this thread. You will then see all the information I've given is 100% correct. I am specifically referring to NFC payments as demonstrated in the videos I've posted and not any other technology. To be clear...
  16. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why NFC could be better than "Evolution" for Granny and Mass Adoption

    I recommend people watch the videos I've posted. You will see more clearly what this technology is about. Unfortunately it is shrouded in geeky terms like "NFC" or "passive devices" etc. If you watch the videos you will see what this tech is about without the jargon.
  17. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why NFC could be better than "Evolution" for Granny and Mass Adoption

    I am specifically referring to NFC technology in this post. I am not referring to RFID or BLE. The Octopus Card in Hong Kong uses NFC technology. (see the Tech used under the summary on the right hand side) For anyone who wants to know the...
  18. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why NFC could be better than "Evolution" for Granny and Mass Adoption

    Yes, NFC stands for "near field communication device" I would like to avoid as much as possible jargon words so we can call it "Tap and Pay" or "Tap and Go" payments devices such as the Oyster Card in the London underground or the "Octopus Card" in Hong Kong See these videos that demonstrate...
  19. DeepBlue

    Venezuela: Why NFC could be better than "Evolution" for Granny and Mass Adoption

    This post is to discuss the advantages of NFC vs QR codes devices. NFC stands for Near Field Communication these are devices such a plastic card you tap next to a device and payment is taken. I will propose that NFC mobile payments using passive devices may be more suitable for mass adoption...
  20. DeepBlue

    A Case For Venezuela. Why Focus DASH Promotion in Venezuela and Latin America

    Everyone in this discussion. Don't let people like @camosoul take this focused, constructive discussion off topic. I have already given my response to his/her/ off topic comments. I raised the issues on NFC being superior to QR codes for mobile payments I welcome constructive comments on that...