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  1. DeepBlue

    New Dash video series: Why Dash should definitely NOT be promoted as a cloud

    Quizzie is what is known as a mistmatcher personality. This type of personality aims to elevate their status by pointing out minimal errors in other's arguments, spelling and tone, etc rather than seeing the value in the substance of an argument and contribution from a well meaning member...
  2. DeepBlue

    New Dash video series: Why Dash should definitely NOT be promoted as a cloud

    Dash really is the best crypto. It is the best crypto I have tried, and I've tried a lot. There is no question about this. It is not my opinion. It is not me being a "Dash fan" the tech is simply THE best. Faster, more secure, better governance, better brand better tech - by far. The...
  3. DeepBlue

    Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong

    Yes, that's right. I don't think investors give a rats ass whether its a coin or a token as long as they can make money.
  4. DeepBlue

    Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong

    Coinmarketcap may distinguish but at the end of the day potential partners don't care if it is a "token" or it a "coin" Its all seen as cryptocurrency and DASH is falling down the charts whether we consider it a token or a coin we are falling relative to other inferior coins. The rest is just...
  5. DeepBlue

    Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong

    See the links below were I got the ranking number for Dash. You can see the rank position under Dash logo on each of these pages. Coingecko ranks Dash as 34th position today: Coinmarket cap ranks Dash as 30th:
  6. DeepBlue

    Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong

    continued from previous post: 8. Always be closing. Use every opportunity to get our marketing messages and values across. Every communication needs to highlight our core values and the benefits to our customers. Upgrades and new releases of the Dash software should be intelligible by anyone...
  7. DeepBlue

    Effective Promotion Strategies for Dash. How to move Dash back up the charts where we belong

    Dash is currently 34th in Coinmarket Cap with inferior coins such as NEM, Lightcoin and Bitcoin Cash, BSV all above us. Why is that when Dash is clearly a superior coin? Let me first define what I mean by superior: Dash has the following all of which make it superior to the other coins...
  8. DeepBlue

    New Dash video series: Why Dash should definitely NOT be promoted as a cloud

    Important feedback on new Evolution video series by ABJ and Dashnewsroom. This message is reposted from DashCentral: I wish I did not have to write this message. But I feel someone has to say these things. I know that...
  9. DeepBlue

    10 Reasons Why Dash is not an "Alt" Coin

    This is the second time in a week that GrandMasterDash has derailed my post with his own agenda that is not directly related to my post theme. This post is not about GrandMasterDash's security poll. What GrandMasterDash is doing is to find a possible tangential link with what I've written, so...
  10. DeepBlue

    01 Decentralised Decision Making: Steps To A Better Solution

    Part 05: The Dash Masternode Association DMA This article will discuss how better quality governance decisions can be made whilst still maintaining decentralisation. The article also discusses a viable solution to the declining MNO interesting in voting and participation in Governance...
  11. DeepBlue

    10 Reasons Why Dash is not an "Alt" Coin

    This post will explain why DASH is not an "Alt" Coin and should not be labelled as such. The term "Alt" coin or "Alternative Coin" was first used to describe any cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. But what are the consequences of using such a term to describe DASH? And, is this term even...
  12. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    Well I can assure you I don't control DASH, and I've said several times in my posts above ( please read my posts) I actually do want a security audit for the source code. I just don't want it immediately because the code is not ready yet. Doing a code review before the code is actually ready...
  13. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    The feeling is mutual. It is clear to me that you don't want to listen to others, even when they are providing you will constructive feedback. Then you complain that MNOs "couldn't be bothered" as you put it. I don't have time for people who don't want to listen, have a closed mind, and take...
  14. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    Your proposal originally did mention Dash Core Group not being accountable to Dash Watch reports. However that text has now been edited out from your proposal wording. However, even with the edited description, I am still unable to agree with your proposal the way it is worded because of the...
  15. DeepBlue

    05 Decentralised Decision Making: The Dash Masternodes Association

    Part 05: Decentralised Decision Making: The Dash Masternodes Association This post is to discuss the setting up of the Dash Masternodes Association (DMA). The current problems this would address are: 1. Declining MNO contributions: The declining interest and participation of MN in...
  16. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    To be clear: I am casting a critical eye on how you chose to post your poll. Ironically the manner in which you have posted the poll will have exactly the opposite effect of what you intended. When I saw your proposal it actually looked to me like you were are attempting to let DCG off the...
  17. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    Actions taking out of a logical order will be ineffective. Actions taking out of order will cause more damage than good. People will not vote for an enforcement procedure before they agree on what is of value to be enforced because there is low motivation, no "buy in" and therefore low...
  18. DeepBlue

    01 Decentralised Decision Making: Steps To A Better Solution

    Part 04: The Dash Decentralisation Charter (DDC) I have posted a forum message about the concept of the Dash Decentralisation Charter (DDC) which documents and records our decentralised decision making philosophies, values, principals, best practises, experience and most valuable learnings...
  19. DeepBlue

    04 - Decentralised Decision Making: The DASH Decentralisation Charter (DDC)

    Part 4: This post will discuss the concept of a Dash Decentralisation Charter (DDC) a document that stores Dash project core values, guiding principles, best practises, concepts and vision of the DASH cryptocurrency project. The DDC would be similar to the concept of the "Declaration of...
  20. DeepBlue

    02 Decentralised Decision Making: What Are Dash's Core Values?

    Thanks forro for your feedback and contributions to these posts. I agree with your view. With decentralised decision making we need to explicitly state what our values are and to have a system to vote on them and then document them. I have posted another forum message about the concept of the...