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  1. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    Updates: 1) The API of our processing center for Bitcoin was developed and tested on demo data. Here's a link to the actual API with descriptions, methods and examples of its usage. 2) The API for Dash is in the process of development. 3) A beta-version of software module by Profit Solutions...
  2. dmitriybtc

    Budget Proposal: Dash/cryptocurrency conferences throughout Ukraine

    1) The next event is scheduled on June 17th in Vinnitsia. More details on 2) The approximate number of attendees is hard to predict, the marketing is still in the process but for now you can see the stats on our facebook event itself -...
  3. dmitriybtc

    Ukrainian DASH Community - Payment System, Video Blogs, Conferences

    About conferences: 1) The next event is scheduled on June 17th in Vinnitsia. More details on 2) The approximate number of attendees is hard to predict, the marketing is still in the process but for now you can see the stats on our facebook event itself -...
  4. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    Dear @Benglian, Are you asking for scan copies of our Charter and registration documents? We are definitely not going to provide that on a forum. You can, however, look up for our company on under the registration number 40610345.
  5. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    Dear @Benglian, Please note that we have do have a compliance committee, and the KYC is currently being developed. We also fully comply with the Exclusions set forth in the Directive.
  6. dmitriybtc

    ATTENTION: Pre-proposal- business integration into retail sector

    Our model works in a way so that business can accept crypto but it doesn't see it. So basically our processing center ( will receive Bitcoin or Dash and then send the fiat currency into bank account of that particular business. In this way they have an option of paying in crypto but at...
  7. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    We don't have a contract yet but we're working on it. Legal part is the most important in this integration so it takes the most amount of time. I'm not sure that we can show the info of contract publicly but we'll definitely let everybody know if it is possible. You mentioned that is...
  8. dmitriybtc

    ATTENTION: Pre-proposal- business integration into retail sector

    I suppose you haven't read our update ( If you did, you could find that together with slava_m and our team we've switched from weekly meetups to monthly conferences. The reason for...
  9. dmitriybtc

    ATTENTION: Pre-proposal- business integration into retail sector

    We don't know specific numbers of restaurants yet because it's impossible to count at the moment. Our main goal currently is to make this whole process work legally, which is very important. That's why we're starting with a few restaurants as a pilot project. After we've proven that this model...
  10. dmitriybtc

    ATTENTION: Pre-proposal- business integration into retail sector

    Square, Shopify, ShopKeep, Clover - those are really awesome platforms but they work in US, maybe in specific countries of EU. Ukraine is a very unique country, and not in a good way. Our local currency hryvnia is not supported on any international website or network whatsoever. You may or may...
  11. dmitriybtc

    ATTENTION: Pre-proposal- business integration into retail sector

    Do you think it is really possible to make a double spend by an ordinary person? I doubt so. Even for those who do know how to do a double spend, it requires Bitcoin Core desktop wallet which sounds hilarious. How many people will download the entire Bitcoin or Dash blockchain to pay for a...
  12. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    1) Michael is not on facebook or linkedin but here's his business card. I masked phone number because this is a private info. But you can absolutely verify his website and email. But please don't spam there, it won't look professional. 2) All of the transactions will come through our...
  13. dmitriybtc

    Pre-proposal: business integration into retail sector

    Made an update in form of a video on some clarifications, check it out:
  14. dmitriybtc

    Предложение: бизнес интеграция в сеть розничной торговли по Украине

    Хорошо, спасибо за предложение. Завтра добавим :)
  15. dmitriybtc

    Предложение: бизнес интеграция в сеть розничной торговли по Украине

    Спасибо большое. Понятное дело, что человеческий фактор откидывать никак нельзя, но будем смотреть в лучшую сторону. И да, мы будем фокусироваться в основном на Даш, тоесть брендовые вещи, стикеры и прочие атрибуты будут присутствовать во всех завидениях. Но и забывать про старого доброго...
  16. dmitriybtc

    Предложение: бизнес интеграция в сеть розничной торговли по Украине

    Это кросс-предложение c Dash Central, оригинал можно найти по данной ссылке. Вкратце: Интеграция BITCOIN И DASH в традиционный бизнес, начиная с ресторанов. Интеграция будет массовой, поскольку мы сотрудничаем с крупнейшим поставщиком программного обеспечения для розничных платежных...
  17. dmitriybtc

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Explorer Android App

    Really great proposal. On top of the fact that it will be beneficial for our network and Android users (myself included), you've made a really fascinating job writing down the actual proposal. I love the clarity and your style. Hope you'll get enough people who can support it :)
  18. dmitriybtc

    Dash Gateway Plugin for, so that 400,000 Shopify store owners can accept Dash

    Actually that is really awesome. Shopify is a huge platform. Bitcoin is struggling right now so I suppose Dash can be a nice option for people to pay in crypto and worry about confirmation times. If you will be able to discuss this with somebody who is responsible for such things in Shopify, it...
  19. dmitriybtc

    PRE-PROPOSAL: New (& Improved?) Look for DASH Detailed

    One thing is what we love about you the most is your awesome personality, genuineness and the way you deliver the content (in simple, fun, yet really effective style for people to understand). I personally don't watch TV, especially news. That's why this type of video is not appealing for me...