Search results

  1. glennaustin

    Core Team Compensation (September)

    Dash Core Group September 1st Funding Proposals DCG is submitting 3 funding proposals for the September 1st budget cycle: 1) DCG Compensation: $600,000 (current proposal) 2) DCG Taxes: $210,000 ( 3) DCG...
  2. glennaustin

    DCG Budget Planning Update (Q3 2018): cross-posted to allow comments

    The original post was done on July 11th, 2018. It has been cross-posted here to allow for comments. What is the objective of this post? We have agreed with the community that providing transparency into the Dash Core Group budgeting process has value. As promised, this post is another update...
  3. glennaustin

    Core Team Taxes (Part 1 of 2: August)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Background Dash Core Group, Inc. is a U.S. company incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Arizona. As such, it needs to pay federal as well as state taxes. Over the long term the Dash Core Group tax rate...
  4. glennaustin

    DCG Budget Planning Update (Q3 2018)

    What is the objective of this post? We have agreed with the community that providing transparency into the Dash Core Group budgeting process has value. As promised, this post is another update on the budget proposals Dash Core Group is planning on submitting to the network over the next three...
  5. glennaustin

    Core Team Premises (August)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Background This proposal funds the Dash Core Group’s property lease budget. This budget account has not been funded since March 2017 and has been exclusively used to pay for the monthly rent and associated...
  6. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Compensation (August)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Background We expect proposing a funding request related to compensation to the Dash network every month for the foreseeable future until DCG has a buffer in place equal to 2-3 months of compensation expense. The...
  7. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Conferences & Travel (July)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Over the second half of 2018, Dash Core Group ("DCG") would like funding to participate in a number of conferences as well as for general company travel. The conferences portion of this includes organizing an...
  8. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Legal Budget (July)

    For #4, the Trustee structure has been live for a number of months now. The delay has been in putting together an easily digestible summary of the legal structure. I don't have a timeline on when it will be published but I assume at some point later this summer.
  9. glennaustin

    DCG Budget Planning Update

    H Given the limited space in the Dash budget this month we decided to delay 2 funding proposals related to HR outsourcing and employee training. We are requesting the following funds from the Dash Network for the cycle paying out on July 2nd: 1) Compensation: $600k or 1,895 Dash 2) Legal...
  10. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Public Relations (July)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Proposal background This proposal seeks funding for continuing our current public relations contract with Wachsman. The current contract restarted at the beginning of April and runs through the end of June. We intend...
  11. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Legal Budget (July)

    This is a cross-posted at This proposal funds the Dash Core Group’s ongoing legal expenses. The last time funding was requested for the Dash Core Group’s legal budget was in October 2016. That funding lasted nearly two years due to price...
  12. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Compensation (July)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Background Most of the information covered below was provided in last budget cycle’s compensation proposal. The only drastic change versus that proposal is the increase in requested funding ($600,000 in this...
  13. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Conferences & Travel (June)

    This proposal is cross-posted at This proposal would fund certain outstanding obligations for a number of conferences taking place over the next several months where we are currently underfunded. Background Dash Core Group submitted two...
  14. glennaustin

    Proposal: Partner with ASU School of Business (cryptocurrency certificate)

    This proposal is cross-posted at Goal of the proposal Dash’s goal is to improve financial freedom by giving people a better way to pay and get paid. In order to achieve this goal, Dash Core Group conducts research to evaluate network...
  15. glennaustin

    Proposal: Core Team Compensation (June)

    This proposal is cross-posted at This proposal funds the Dash Core Group's ongoing compensation costs - including all developers, administrative, and support staff - at market rates for base pay, including some benefits which we are now beginning...
  16. glennaustin

    DCG Budget Planning Update (cross-posted to allow comments)

    This posting is cross-posted from the project update part of the forum in order to enable community comments. We look forward to your feedback. Going forward we will post in both areas of the forum. What is the objective of this post? Many community members have requested that Dash Core Group...
  17. glennaustin

    Question regarding jurisdiction in which Core Group, Inc. is planning to pay tax

    That is all correct. We will pay federal taxes in the U.S. and Arizona State taxes as we are headquartered in Arizona.
  18. glennaustin

    DCG Budget Planning Update

    What is the objective of this post? Many community members have requested that Dash Core Group provide a “heads-up” to the community regarding Dash Core Group’s plans to submit proposals to the Dash network. We agree that there is value in providing this transparency, since Dash Core Group...
  19. glennaustin

    [prepoposal] Dash Debit Card ready by Mid-April

    I can confirm receipt of the 305 Dash into the Dash Core team business development wallet. Thank you and we look forward to working with you on future endeavors. Glenn Austin Dash Core Group CFO
  20. glennaustin

    Proposal: Dash Visual Identity (Decision Proposal)

    Updated the link - thanks.