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  1. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    @chaeplin I believe it's 3) dashmnb + rpcsvc by chaeplin + remote vps(masternode) w/ the following dash mainnet in dash.conf: USE_SSH_TUNNEL = False rpcusessl = True rpcuser = 'dashmnb' rpcpassword = 'iamok' rpcbindip = '' rpcport = 8080 # network MAINNET = True # mainnet...
  2. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    Restarting VPS didn't help. :( Posted the steps I tried to an earlier thread at
  3. bitbybit

    Masternode FAILED with "NEW_START_REQUIRED"

    I'm near the end of setting up my 1st mn and ran into this New_Start_Required issue. Came across this post. Here's what I did: - restart VPS - ran "./dash-cli mnsync status", it displays " { "AssetID": 999, "AssetName": "MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED", "Attempt": 0, "IsBlockchainSynced"...
  4. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    quick update: Instead of restart the masternode I just rebooted the remote VPS. Seems like dashd is out-of-sync w/ network since yesterday. resyncing now ...
  5. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    Thank you @flare for guiding me along to thus far -- Running "./dash-cli mnsync status" produces correct results "AssetID": 999, "AssetName": "MASTERNODE_SYNC_FINISHED" ... and dashmnb was able to talk to my KeepKey HW wallet to get a list of addresses. Fun stuff so far! And after reading...
  6. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    Thank you @flare and @chaeplin! If that's the case, would it work if we run masternode off a Dash wallet in Windows as described here by @tungfa and @UdjinM6, except that the deposit is kept in KeepKey offline wallet? If not, what additional changes are needed to keep the deposit offline? It...
  7. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    I see. Thanks again for clarifying @chaeplin! In Tao's Setup Guide, we need to run "masternode genkey" in Dash Wallet to get MASTERNODEPRIVKEY and "masternode outputs" to get transaction hash, which are needed for masternode.conf. How do we get these two piece of data from a KeepKey offline...
  8. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    Thank you @flare and @chaeplin! Trying to follow the dashmnb instructions at github, I noticed one of the steps seems out-of-date: activate script's location has changed from venv3/bin to venv3/scripts. Also being a newbie to Dash masternode, I'm somewhat confused by how this guide relates to...
  9. bitbybit

    Setup your KeepKey wallet for dash (and other coins)

    This is great! Do you know if I can run Dash masternode off KeepKey offline wallet?