Search results

  1. Pieter Eralith

    Pre-Proposal: Project Jet Plane, an Animated Dash Commercial

    Project Jet Plane - YouTube Dash commercial, 2500+ views per day for 60 days. Help us to advertise Dash to 2500+ potential Dash users a day for 60 days! Amount: 148.31 Dash Time: Two months (two payments of 74.16 Dash) The storyboard video is here: The treatment documentation is here...
  2. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    And the winner is... (drum roll) Project Jet Plane! Thanks for voting everyone! We will start preparing our pre-proposal.
  3. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    @Biltong thanks again :) We'll make sure to go over the terms at our next stat meeting, things were a little hectic during the week! :P
  4. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    Glad you like it. As production progresses we'll keep our eyes open for ways to focus our message. Thanks for the feedback :D
  5. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    Hi GrandMasterDash, we feel the same way! We've chatted as a team about different forms of mascots, so we'll see where the Dash storyline leads us in the future!
  6. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    Hey Enkhil, those are valid points. Until the point that Evolution is available to the general public, we've concluded that targeting existing crypto users (new and old) will yield better conversion rates. However, we also believe that the traffic message will resonate with the general public...
  7. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    Hi @dazman thanks for voting! We'll take your feedback into account.
  8. Pieter Eralith

    Important Update To Our Advertisement Production Process

    Sure am. And boy am I thirsty! (Badum tss, severe drought joke!) :D
  9. Pieter Eralith

    Important Update To Our Advertisement Production Process

    Thanks Biltong! (Incidentally I just ate some biltong hehe :D)
  10. Pieter Eralith

    Poll: Vote on our next animated Dash commercial!

    Hi everyone! We at Eralith (myself, @bielie and @Thomas - Eralith) are excited to bring to you, a brand new set of pitches for the next Dash animated commercial! For those of you that missed our previous forum post, here’s a recap: Following the success of our first ad, we announced that we...
  11. Pieter Eralith

    Important Update To Our Advertisement Production Process

    Hi Biltong! Thanks very much for the information! I'll discuss it with the team tomorrow.
  12. Pieter Eralith

    Important Update To Our Advertisement Production Process

    I just wanted to swing by make an update post on behalf of our team. If you have not met us at Eralith yet, please have a gander at our first ad campaign: We are just coming off the heels of this round of voting, and being close...
  13. Pieter Eralith

    Now live! Proposal for YouTube advertising campaign.

    Maybe poke a little fun at those Binary Trading (AKA online gambling) ads that are all over the place, haha
  14. Pieter Eralith

    Proposal: The Dash Expansion at Skatopia

    I used to skate this place all the time when I was a kid!... in Tony Hawk's Underground 2 on PS2 :D AWESOME initiative!
  15. Pieter Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Guys can we please keep the discussion civil. We are not here to tease anyone over what they do in their free time. @hatlaatcha With regards to costings, if the masternode operators go so far as to ask, we can go more into detail with future proposals when it comes to hours logged et cetera...
  16. Pieter Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Hi there, we would love to involve the community in the creative process in future projects! A way to implement this could be that we pitch multiple storyboards per project and the community votes on their favorite.