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  1. europound

    Ninja Inactive 0 but dashman ok then ok?

    if ninja pl says masternode is inactive and port open but dashman says all YES + masternode queue/count is moving and ./dash-cli masternode list full | grep IP is ENABLED + timer ticking then ok?
  2. europound

    [SOLVED]Problem installing Dashman

    sudo apt-get install netcat-openbsd sudo update-alternatives --config nc 0
  3. europound


    horrible tutorial, so many bells and whistles and gimmicks, 90% of water :( impossible to follow
  4. europound

    How to send masternode status to email?

    is there a ping service for masternode? In case masternode went down from ENABLED I need an alert message to email
  5. europound

    Masternode Docker Image?

    is there a premade masternode docker image? could someone share it?
  6. europound

    Masternode IOPS?

    There is a cheap VPS CPU: 2 x 2.40 GHz RAM: 2048 MB HDD: 80 GB (200 IOPS) Bandwidth: 4 TB Port speed: 200 Mbps Backups: Daily, Weekly Virtualization: OpenVZ Will it be good enough? How many IOs per second needed for dash masternode?
  7. europound

    dashman script password theft

    did anyone review dashman script?
  8. europound

    Dash-cli command line and password with spaces - bad?

    if there are spaces and special chars in password then command lines will fail correct? " ./dash-cli walletpassphrase your password With Spaces and%&"Spech chars? 120" " ./dash-cli masternode start-missing"
  9. europound

    dash-cli masternode outputs something then ok to be a masternode?

    If there is masternode outputs and not empty then this wallet is ready to be a masternode correct? and it does not matter if you got it via getnewaddress 0 or just created new address via QT menu? and masternode genkey can be generated any times you want, just need to update masternode.conf and...
  10. europound

    Not secure this auto backup

    How do you make them useless? Do you overwrite them files with zeros? there are 10 auto backuped wallets without password
  11. europound

    Not secure this auto backup

    on first initial qt startup ask user to encrypt wallet + do not make initial auto backups
  12. europound

    Watchdog_Expired Error

    What does it mean?
  13. europound

    Not enough for full node, what to do then?

    rich people have many millions poor people have much less easy for rich to become masternode but hard for poor
  14. europound

    How do I get 1000 dash from masternode?

    If I send to myself 1000 Dash they become locked and dash-qt says not enough money when want to send How to unlock 1000 dash from masternode address?
  15. europound

    Do I have to do getnewaddress 0?

    Can I just create new address from menu? or getnewaddress 0 is very important in masternoding? why then?
  16. europound

    Not enough for full node, what to do then?

    please just make a smaller entry level into masternode business or trustless shared masternode from 500 Dash please?
  17. europound

    Not enough for full node, what to do then?

    what stops him to run away? or get busted by feds or irs? or die ? and how can I withdraw main Dash from him?
  18. europound

    Why do I need to hold 1000 Dash in masternode?

    any other way to store?
  19. europound

    Why do I need to hold 1000 Dash in masternode?

    Masternode has to have wallet with 1000 Dash in it Masternode has to have "masternode outputs" in order to start How can i make it safer? If I move later 1000 Dash from masternode back to cold wallet then masternode will stop working...