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  1. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Hi, yes, an update would be nice, I have some Dash stuck in my Android wallet which keeps crashing when I open it. Thanks! Edit, PS: I keep sending reports from the wallet, so he should have the system details. Otherwise I`v been a very happy user for quite a while now.
  2. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Same here.
  3. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Had that too, I guess it will be cancelled. I updated the Blockchain when I had that and the TX was canceled.
  4. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Just updated the wallet, it still crashes when started, sent you a report.
  5. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Would be cool if there was a solution. Got some Dash stuck on the wallet.
  6. Cowan

    Dash Wallet for Android (Release 4) [closed]

    Hi, my Dash Android Wallet does not work anymore. It shuts down instantly when I open it. In the past days it was buggy, i.e. transactions did not work, I had to reset the Blockchain very often. Now it has stopped working altogether.
  7. Cowan

    Survey "BTC and Anonymity"

    Hi, I am the guy who met the girl at a Berlin Bitcoin Meetup ( Her name is Ulrike Sander, you can look her up on Facebook (Uli there).
  8. Cowan

    Europäische Bitcoin Nutzer im Visier von Europol?

    Das ist jetzt insofern Off Topic, als es nicht DASH direkt betrifft und auch Bitcoin nicht schuld ist, sondern die Verbindung zum Bankensystem, aber ich finde es trotzdem beachtenswert, ab welchen Bagatellbeträgen man ins Visier von Europol geraten kann...
  9. Cowan

    DASH testet Demokratie via Blockchain

    Typos korrigiert!
  10. Cowan

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    When will the Let`s Talk Bitcoin appearence be?
  11. Cowan

    [DarkCoin Dice] | Play - Invest - With the Best |

    The infos are a bit poor. Is it supposed to work like Just Dice on the investment side? You should do a FAQ section as they do.
  12. Cowan

    Interview mit Ken Jebsen über Kryptowährungen

    Ich kenne einige von den Jungs. Auch Oliver Janich, falls das hilft.
  13. Cowan

    Däsh oder was .... ?

    Hi, bin "Macno" aus dem BCT-Ann-thread und der, der das vertoe-Interview gemacht hat (Bavaria for Ron Paul). Heisse hier anders, weil ein Hacker-Freund mir erzählt hat, dass man das so macht, mit verschiedenen Identitäten, aber es ist mir eigtl. zu blöd. Also nur zur Info. Zum Thema: Dash ist...