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  1. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money

    Yes, the idea of time as a currency was unique. It drives home the notions related to 'what is money, really?' Does money represent time? However, details of the movie fail the 'reality test'. How to remain healthy, and looking like you are 25 years old, for 500 years? We are far from that...
  2. AraiBob

    How to buy 'coins?

    Hi, I just installed the wallet. Worked great on my Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS pc. But... I don't have an 'account'. I see nothing that would let me enter such a thing. Is this part of the privacy thing? If so, I like it. How do I buy Dash Coins? I that the proper term? How do I convert USD into...
  3. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money I am retired, and I am doing this research for myself, my family, and a few friends. However, I think it would be useful to any 'new' currency. If they need external guidance as to what to focus on, this kind of comparison might be helpful. I have seen some videos in YouTube, and the...
  4. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money

    Stan, I am familiar with the movie "In Time". What system are you proposing? The embedded into the arm? or the distribution system?
  5. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money

    let's try this...
  6. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money

    The text got messed up when I posted it. I tried to upload a pdf, which was prevented by the upload script. Yes, I agree that Gold is an issue. The posting put USD cash, . . . Gold on the left, when they are actually to top of a column, against which the criteria are to be applied. For example...
  7. AraiBob

    Characteristics of 'good' money

    Hi, I just 'joined' the adventure of money vs currency, real vs fiat, etc. I looked for a list of characteristics of money and found only general hints, incomplete... p { margin-bottom: 0.25cm; line-height: 120%; } First written 20150525 in email. I began this list with the 'recognized'...
  8. AraiBob


    I concur... We should make a list of issues than can happen, but have not, yet. For example... If you do any money transfers between your self and another country, you have to go through SWIFT (a U S controlled money transfer system). You have heard how they prevented Iran from transfering...
  9. AraiBob

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hi, I am AraiBob, retired IT (37 years). Last 15 years was project architecture and project management. Before that... Programmer (3 dozen languages), DBA on 3 packages, and a few application specific knowledge. I use Ubuntu Linux on my PCs. Gave up on Windows after using Win 7 Ultimate for a...