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    На скольких языках говорит уважаемый tungfa

    Видел его в русском подфоруме, пишет как на родном. Видел в английском, пишет как нативный. Видел в китайском. Все три в совершенстве? Может и уважаемый Юджин на трех минимум) как родные?
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    How I can listing of all purses in wallet?

    Hello! How I can listing of all purses in wallet? May be exist command in console or any? EDIT: I know listaddressgroupings but I need just only addresses EDIT2: I resolved. Its simple export all adresses from wallet.
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    masternode start-missing started some MNs again and again

    Done, but all missing MNs are Could not allocate vin. I changed to 0 or 1 index number, then restarted, but not helped 13:53:44 masternode start-missing 13:53:44 { "overall" : "Successfully started 0 masternodes, failed to start ", "detail" : { "status" : { "alias" : "mn1"...
  4. S

    masternode start-missing started some MNs again and again

    Hmm, if the same address, so balance will 2000 coin, because I see 1000 on this adress, Correct?
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    Dash core does not respond

    I already sent. Thank you. Yes, masternode start* password freezes. But also sometimes when unlocking the wallet first, also freezes. I deleted dat files, exclude wallet and masternode, but not helped. May be client freeze when MN more than 50 or 100?
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    masternode start-missing started some MNs again and again

    Hello! Please help me. Why my some mns started again and again? All servers are same and made from one pattern, and other servers are work fine. All servers are synced latest on servers and cold wallet. All servers have a mn_watch script for restart, if not avaliable and work fine...
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    Old IP higher priority then new ip for pay?

    tungfa moocowmoo Thank you!
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    Old IP higher priority then new ip for pay?

    Hello! Please tell me, have old MN IP server higher priority then new ip server for pay? Or rights for both is equal? For example, I have MN from june 2015, and from feb 2016. Now I need to change ip and delete old ip. Thank you
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    Dash core does not respond

    Yes, all fully synced. Thank you for all. Now I can try to find problem on the server.
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    Dash core does not respond

    Dear, I have latest version. Purse unlock I can send log in private message, ok?
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    Dash core does not respond

    I have MNs more than 10. Often after starting Dash and then start-missing or start-disabled, Dash core does not respond. So I kill process in task manager. Dash core local and server are latest, now Please help.
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    dashman - linux masternode mangement made mootastic

    Help me please Downloading line 388: wget: command not found /home/compas/dashman/lib/ line 389: wget: command not found error downloading file tried to get...
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    Extra high traffic from MN server

    Hello everyone! My provider said that my MN server have a high output traffic about 20 Mb/s it's normally for MN? Dash daemon already synchronized, and work fine. Thank you
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    Etherium vs Dash

    Добрый день. Каковы причины что Etherium обогнал Dash за последний месяц?
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    mn's starting again every day

    Hello, please help me. Some mn's (about 10 pcs) starting again every day, for example start-missing or start-disabled "alias" : "mn31" I deleted mncache.dat and peers.dat but it not help. All servers are same and fine work 3 months 100% uptime Thank you.
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    Blocked funds

    Oh, thank you, sorry. I forgot this
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    Blocked funds

    Hello. I run wallet in windows 10 and can not to find where I can a block funds for mymasternode? Thank you
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    Анализ курса dash

    Приятно лицезреть такие задушевные беседы умных людей. Спасибо сообществу.
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    Мастерноды DASH *** общее обсуждение

    Полезная ветка. Спасибо.