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  1. Thomas - Eralith

    Eralith YouTube ad campaign report thread.

    Hey Halatcha! We are very happy to hear that! :)
  2. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre-Proposal: Project Jet Plane, an Animated Dash Commercial

    Hey everyone! Here is a link to our first weekly report on our first YouTube commercial.
  3. Thomas - Eralith

    Now live! Proposal for YouTube advertising campaign.

    Really cool idea. I think we can definitely develop something in line with this.
  4. Thomas - Eralith

    Now live! Proposal for YouTube advertising campaign.

    Hi @Biltong. Thank you for the excellent question. I hope you don't mind if I answer it for you! YouTube allows for multiple methods of targeting your audience. These methods are broken up into two different categories. Audience targeting methods, and Content targeting methods. Audience...
  5. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Hey everyone! We have posted an update on this proposal. We hope to clarify some of the elements of our proposal that have perhaps been left too vague. Thank you for all the helpful feedback.
  6. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Hey! No worries, I understood :) Thank you very much for the feedback. Much appreciated!
  7. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    @ampp thank you very much for the comment. We appreciate your feedback, and will try get as much out of it as possible.
  8. Thomas - Eralith

    Dash demographic?

    Will check it out. Thanks!
  9. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Thank you very much! We definitely hope to right that!
  10. Thomas - Eralith

    Pre - Proposal: Dash YouTube Ad Campaign (first commercial finished!)

    Update: Dash Ad Campaign on YouTube Hey Dash community! My team and I have been working for the last couple of weeks to bring you this short commercial. The first link below is to the commercial...
  11. Thomas - Eralith

    Dash in Africa

    South Africa is in desperate need of adopting a crypto. Our fiat, the Rand, is tanking so hard because of our moronic presedent.
  12. Thomas - Eralith

    Dash demographic?

    Does anyone know of a demographic map showing where dash is most used? I'd like to get a feel for the size of this community.