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  1. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hi again chaps Ash will be putting a video update online tomorrow outlining our progress for June and our aims for July. Over the past week, as you can see from the above, Ash has been working on setting up our landing pages for when our website and marketing campaigns go live, please see his...
  2. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Time for another update! Firstly our apologies for not posting last week's update, we were in Dublin at Moneyconf meeting with the other teams and some of the Dash core team. Over the past couple of weeks we have been working on various areas of the site, we have numerous articles that we...
  3. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hi again chaps, Hope you have had a chance to look at our Marketing Strategy Doc (if its of interest to you!) We are all hard at work (or well Ash isn't right now, he is on holiday in Canada!) on our deadlines, sadly we are a little behind schedule at the moment, mainly due to our lower than...
  4. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Another check in update here chaps! Sorry it isn't more exciting but we are working hard towards our month end goals! Ash has been putting the final touches on our marketing plan and changing it where needed, taking into account changes in our budget and Google's changes. Later on this week...
  5. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello again! This week has been much the same as the previous, writing content and development, should hopefully see some new content being added on the site in the near future with a larger update covering all of our May milestones soon! There will hopefully be some new articles going live...
  6. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    I do agree, uphold is very good and definitely a strong competitor for us!
  7. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello chaps! Another week and another relatively boring update for you, we are all working hard towards our deadlines fo rthe month and hopefully will be putting a few new articles up on our site today to flesh out our learning centre and about Dash sections. Alex has been working on our...
  8. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Cheers for the comments, have fixed those bits on the articles!
  9. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hi again chaps If you haven't already go have a look at our marketing site and let us know what you think! In the last week we have been writing more marketing content for our site and Alex has been working hard on his back end development, at the moment we are mostly looking at how our ID...
  10. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello again chaps! So our marketing website is pretty much done and should be live from tomorrow at additionally Ash will be posting another update video then. You will even be able to sign up your e-mail so that we can send you loads of spam once the actual full site becomes...
  11. M

    Importance of Escrow

    I think the freedom of the proposal system is actually one of its best points and restricting the freedom for proposal owners to ask for funding for whatever they want would be a bad thing. I think proposals should be completely free and anyone can ask for any amount of Dash for anything...
  12. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello again! So another update for you all, things are progressing steadily here and this month we should be comfortably completing all of our deadlines. We are now a Ltd company in the UK with company number 11311457 If you fancy viewing more info about our company (or if you dont believe me...
  13. M

    Pre-Proposal: HuitPro - Freelance Services Marketplace based on a Dash payment method.

    Hi Andres You have looked at our breakdown spreadsheet and you know perfectly well that the £25,000 budget is not ALL for office equipment as your $15,000 which you are comparing it to is. As you know our office equipment budget was £2,300. The rest of the £25,000 budget is accounted for in the...
  14. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Again a rather boring update for you all, I have been refining our content and adding new stuff for our marketing site whilst Ash has been coding it and Alex has been working on back end stuff. I have also gone through most of our company incorporation so hopefully this/next week we should...
  15. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hello again! Hope you all had a great Easter. Most of what I want to cover is outlined in the above video and I would encourage you all to watch it and have a look over our website designs and back end specifications! Alex is now setup in the office and will be working on back end development...
  16. M

    What do you think about “ Regulation” in Cryptocurrencies?

    It's a funny one really, you can argue against it all you like, but the fact of the matter is that without a reliable way to tax cryptocurrencies governments will fight their adoption forever so to an extent my view is that whether or not it is a good thing it is going to have to happen before...
  17. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Time for another update! Well last week we were mostly working on our end of month goals and should be finishing these up this week, front page design is pretty much there, although I am sure some changes will be made, feel free to have a look: Other than...
  18. M

    International Broadcast TV advertising campaign - 10 Languages

    Yeah I can appreciate that, I was just trying to think of a way to promote the benefits of crypto over Fiat, possibly could look at something like merchants fees, a coffee could be cheaper when purchased with Dash than Fiat as the merchant has to pay a bunch of transaction fees and licensing...
  19. M

    International Broadcast TV advertising campaign - 10 Languages

    I like the idea of the video advert and I believe you have a good team to make it happen, however, I don't actually like the idea you have portrayed, either way she is paying more for her coffee using Dash over Fiat and all we are saying is that Dash is better than BTC. If you were to keep with...
  20. M

    eWallet: UK Fiat-Dash Exchange - Update Thread

    Hi chaps! So this week Ash and I have mostly been working on the marketing site and writing content for it, hopefully that should be all finished by the end of this week. The site structure will be something like this, although we have already made a few changes and more are likely to come...