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  1. K

    DASH's slack...

    I have joined some time ago at and (some time) now it is a general discussion slack on crypto. In the forum I saw the Dash Nation slack... is that the new slack? What happened?
  2. K

    POLL -- Should DASH: Detailed have subtitles in different languages, translated by real humans?

    1. yes 2. Mandarin (China, Taiwan, Singapore), Hindi (>75% of India), Spanish (Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, ++), Portuguese (Brazil/Portugal), Russian, German, French 3. no 4. 48 hours
  3. K

    Decentralization / Voting concern...

    Great, thanks!
  4. K

    Decentralization / Voting concern...

    Hi all, I have a question/concern regarding decentralization. I am pretty sure it has been discussed several times (at least I found 2-3 topics in bitcointalk) but the ones I read weren't very civilized at the end :) It has been claimed that in the first 2 days 2M DASH were mined by an error...
  5. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    The evo whitepapers are a bit out of date, since I believe, the devs are focused on 12.1. They do require more elaboration, esp. DashDrive which is exteremely interesting but the sync'ing between them could be tricky and a source of potential attacks. From a roadmap I've seen online Evolution...
  6. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Is the Bitcoin's new features being merged to DASH? e.g. Is Segwit going to be incorporated?
  7. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    I haven't looked at the code yet. It will probably be the most time-consuming option so it is my last (although best) resort. The attacker would be running at least one MN so he/she would know as soon as other MNs of the IS tx and thus the new 10 nodes of the sub-quorum. I believe that there is...
  8. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Correct, +4. But you will always know the inputs.. they are part of the instantX tx that is propagated. And true, it falls back to a regular transaction but an intricate DDoS could force most/all instantX tx to become regular diminishing the great benefit that DASH offers to, say, merchants...
  9. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Aha! Thank you! So the answer is max-block-height minus the first-input's-block-height. Thus, each instantX tx will use a different sub-quorum! This makes the attack I described above more difficult... but still possible I believe...esp. if timeouts mean cancelling the tx.
  10. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    I just read "Transaction Locking and Masternode Consensus: A Mechanism for Mitigating Double Spending Attacks" It does not seem to be explicitly stated but I think it uses the last mined block's hash for the randomness/entropy of determining the new 10 masternodes that will form the sub-quorum...
  11. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Ah, I see there is an instantX paper which will probably have more details!
  12. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Thank you for the suggestion. Great videos. The sub-quorums comprise of 10 masternodes. But it says that the randomness comes from the hash of a block. It doesn't say which block (or I missed it..). Btw, should I be asking those questions in another part of the forum? Cheers
  13. K

    Some questions on the whitepaper...

    Hi all, On DASH's whitepaper on section 2.2 Deterministic Ordering the pseudocode mentions nBlockHeight and the comment says: "get the hash of this block". Which block is that... the one that was just mined? How many masternodes are selected to form a quorum? How often does the quorums...
  14. K

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hi all! I have been involved with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies from early 2013. I run the local meetups (cannot put links yet :) and usually present cryptocurrency topics around Greece. I was aware, and a fan, of DASH for quite some time now but I've only recently managed to find the...