I understand that there are some issues with it. But it's essential for the user experience to display a progress bar reflecting the status of the process. E.g. You have set 8 rounds and the progress bar indicates 50% ---> the process has already performed 4 rounds of anonymization : simple to...
When money is not directly involved the users may not care about that. But it's a different story here, a looping status bar is like : "I'm maybe stuck or I'm working fine, keep looking for the answer in few days, hours, minutes who knows ? :wink:"
Maybe the status bar % is function of the number of rounds done instead of the target. The target IMO is more an indication : "I want at least $target DRK anonymized".
I would suggest to add in the progress bar indications like :
"Starting the anonymization of your funds", "Anonymization in progress x%" and "Anonymization completed !"
To avoid seeing -0,001, -0,01 etc numerous times, can the DS+ costs (if autodenomin') be wrapped in one single amount ?
To avoid many password prompts, can it be enter one time and stays valid for the 'predetermined-number' of rounds ?
Maybe the balance in other (big ?) currencies too (€, £ etc.) not in US dollar only.
P.S. : Those green and red contrast too much IMO with the designs. Less green ? Less red ? Other colors ?
I like #3 but I prefer #2 because the main information (the balance) is on top. However IMO "my balance" and "pending" should be above the amounts like in #1.