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  1. Kai


    I agree, and if the value increases, anonymizing 0.05 DRK may be equivalent to anonymizing $300.
  2. Kai

    RC5 Launching September 22nd

  3. Kai

    RC5 Launching September 22nd

    Sorry then, it's hard to discern sarcasm with the previous comments.
  4. Kai

    RC5 Launching September 22nd

    The previous RC were released the morning UK time ? No... Ok.
  5. Kai

    Does Satoshi know/care about DRK?

    He might and become really invisible.
  6. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    lol I like both, let's take the user by the hand. :wink: [IIIIIIIII 48% ] Anonymization in progress .... 2nd round
  7. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    No it doesn't work like that, but are we not here to share ideas and to find a solution ? :)
  8. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    I understand that there are some issues with it. But it's essential for the user experience to display a progress bar reflecting the status of the process. E.g. You have set 8 rounds and the progress bar indicates 50% ---> the process has already performed 4 rounds of anonymization : simple to...
  9. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    Huh yeah... Between this And this I prefer the latter.
  10. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    When money is not directly involved the users may not care about that. But it's a different story here, a looping status bar is like : "I'm maybe stuck or I'm working fine, keep looking for the answer in few days, hours, minutes who knows ? :wink:"
  11. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    Maybe the status bar % is function of the number of rounds done instead of the target. The target IMO is more an indication : "I want at least $target DRK anonymized".
  12. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    Maybe right now for convenience, depending on how many rounds we choose, we stick with the same peers.
  13. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    Somehow I prefer the randomness, it could be more elegant. :D
  14. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    Meaning that the peers use a random masternode for each round : if they were together in r1 (round 1) they may not be together in r2 etc.
  15. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    I would suggest to add in the progress bar indications like : "Starting the anonymization of your funds", "Anonymization in progress x%" and "Anonymization completed !"
  16. Kai

    v0.10.13.x RC5 Testing

    The progress bar has a huge psychological effect.
  17. Kai

    v0.10.12.x RC4 Testing

    To avoid seeing -0,001, -0,01 etc numerous times, can the DS+ costs (if autodenomin') be wrapped in one single amount ? To avoid many password prompts, can it be enter one time and stays valid for the 'predetermined-number' of rounds ?
  18. Kai

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    Maybe the balance in other (big ?) currencies too (€, £ etc.) not in US dollar only. P.S. : Those green and red contrast too much IMO with the designs. Less green ? Less red ? Other colors ?
  19. Kai

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    I like #3 but I prefer #2 because the main information (the balance) is on top. However IMO "my balance" and "pending" should be above the amounts like in #1.