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  1. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    On the first instance I seem to have Received, but it says 0 coins. This doesn't make sense. Do any other wallets look like they may have my coins?
  2. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    Ok I understand what you're saying thephez (but not what strophy says). Here's what I get using your command in Debug mode: .darkcoin/wallet.dat 09:01:35 listreceivedbyaddress 0 false true 09:01:35 [ { "address": "XwFjKVNkNBW4iZ?????PcwUvHviqhoXPff", "account": "", "amount"...
  3. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    I don't understand. and are just blockchain examiners. How would I find my blocks without being able to examine my wallet? Seems like I'd need to open up my wallet somehow to see its contents? If I'd exported my wallet to a paper number I could see how a...
  4. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    Hi, thanks for your help strophy. I don't have a lock in the lower-right of DashCore. By "use a block explorer" I guess you mean to download an application and examine my wallet file? I've installed Abe block explorer but it doesn't work in Linux. Opening the wallet in a text editor just...
  5. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    I've Repair Rescanned with both wallets and still 0, and nothing in Transactions unfortunately. My god, maybe I've lost my $40k. I don't understand why it never asks for my password for the wallet?
  6. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    There is no transaction history at all. But I don't think I made any transactions. Well this is bad news: 2018-03-13 21:09:36 Creating backup of /home/bill/.dashcore/wallet.dat -> /home/bill/.dashcore/backups/wallet.dat.2018-03-13-21-09 2018-03-13 21:09:36 Using wallet wallet.dat 2018-03-13...
  7. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    Ok DashCore it is. I have two wallet.dat, one in ~/.altcoin of 64kB, and one in ~/darkcoin of 72kB. It could be either one of them. I started dashcore and let it load up the blockchain. Then I stopped it and substituted its wallet.dat with each of the above. In both cases 0 coins were...
  8. Q

    "Cannot read file"

    I may be in trouble. I have an old wallet from DarkCoin days dated 27 May, 2014. I tried to access it using DashCore but it showed $0. So I installed Electrum, and where it asks which wallet I point it at the DarkCoin one. But instantly it says, "Cannot read file". Is there some conversion...