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  1. DashNation

    Pre Proposal: Dash Across America Crypto Only Promotional Road Trip

    Are you willing to disclose the amount donated from the bitcoin foundation?
  2. DashNation

    Do you see value in categorizing proposals as "core" or "community"? Why/why not?

    Do you have more faith for project.manager or proposal.submitor ?
  3. DashNation

    [Project] Dash Lowcost ATM

    I like this, You dont need to worry about AML or KYC when buying DASH. Its when you convert to USD that matters in the US... Someone site me if I am wrong. I would invest in a vending machine that takes coins and converts to DASH.
  4. DashNation Soft Launch

    Right the network effect, one problem I live in the US where we have a thing called the HOA. They just banned flags and lawn signs in the neighborhood i live in. So i am left with shirts stickers and word of mouth....i can order a small batch of shirts my local guy can do heat transfer prints...
  5. DashNation Soft Launch

    I like to keep you on your toes... I need to make new shirts now with the new dashnation web site. Keep up the grass root efforts guys we are bringing people into dash nation 1 at a time...
  6. DashNation Soft Launch

    You were sorta hoping to reserve this ID? Why didnt you register it sooner? *sigh* I guess i could give it up for the good of DASH Nation
  7. DashNation Soft Launch

    Yep i pretty much wear a dash t everywhere i go now. I tell anyone willing to listen about DASH, and i try to talk small retailers into accepting digital cash.. Go DASH Go!
  8. DashNation Soft Launch

    I support DashNation!