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  1. T

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    Congratulations on the successful conference. You've clearly got talent for marketing, networking and generally getting things done. I've had a concept that may or may not be helpful to dash development in Venezuela and I think you would be the perfect person to do it if you were inclined to...
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    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Clearly I could have done better with specifics. I've never had a reason to join an internet community before. I just wanted to make the case for Venezuela. It's genuinely useful there and people are intentionally thwarted from banking. The demand is...
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    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela

    Again I want to make clear that this is a framework for discussion. If the community likes the idea I'll get formal quotes for costs of implementation as well as a more specific plan for the layout and accountability/fund management
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    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela

    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela Development and infrastructure obviously comes above all, but it seems there are funds in need of a home. I have an investment/marketing proposal. First off I’d like to state my opinion which is that money is a product. Banks sell money. It’s a...
  5. T

    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela

    Johnny Apple seeding- Part 1- Venezuela Development and infrastructure obviously comes above all, but it seems there are funds in need of a home. I have an investment/marketing proposal. First off I’d like to state my opinion which is that money is a product. Banks sell money. It’s a...