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  1. Edwar Vidarte

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Thanks you so much
  2. Edwar Vidarte

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Activity Report 1st Meetup Dash Puerto La Cruz @DashPlc Technical Information Address: Aventura Café, Av. Principal de Lechería, C.C. Aventura Plaza, 6016 Lecheria, Anzoategui, Venezuela @10.1807347,-64.6908543 Capacity: 25-40 pp Facilities: Coffee shop with small tables, closed area...
  3. Edwar Vidarte

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Tomorrow 17/03/2018 We would our presents its first Meetup thus giving the opening of a series of events throughout this year, where we will present the DASH Cryptocurrency, which are the Communities, Contribution to society, Projects, news and much more. The event will take place at Aventura...
  4. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello Showny, Welcome from Puerto la cruz, VE
  5. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, Welcome to my community @dashplc
  6. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, I´m Edwar From Puerto la cruz, Venezuela. We created community in this city. We belive in DASH. Thinking DASH, I got a dreams turn my area into a dash´s territory
  7. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, We are DashPlc Framo Venezuela, you can follow us by RRSS like twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Thanks
  8. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    excellent initiative, congratulations keep going
  9. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Let´t work together.
  10. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Thanks, I´m planning the future conference and meetup around this zone.
  11. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Good evening, Dashplc will come soon with the Confereces and the meetup at the site of the eastern region of Venezuela.
  12. Edwar Vidarte

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Hello, Edwar Vidarte From Venezuela. Founder the DashPLc community anzoategui State Venezuela. Yesterday was our first presentation public, we talk about to Dash Digital Cash