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  1. ScioMind

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    I would say YES, trouble them! And I DO agree about creating a dash-only fork - this is exactly what I had in mind. As for multicurrency capabilities being added later...I don't have any objections, but also don't really see the benefit to the Dash community. At this point WE might all know and...
  2. ScioMind

    Open Bazaar integration - pre-proposal

    I strongly feel that the best thing for the widespread adoption of Dash, would be a Dash-only version of OpenBazaar...maybe "DashBazaar" would be a good name. A truly anonymous coin, on a truly anonymous platform. I am sure everyone is aware of the huge boost Bitcoin got as a result of its use...
  3. ScioMind

    Questions About Dash Evolution

    Ok. Thanks for the responses. My "eBay" comment came from misunderstanding that Evolution, among other things, was going to entail something like OpenBazaar, but specifically for dash. I appreciate you guys clearing this up for me. So...does Evolution mean that someone will be able to use a...
  4. ScioMind

    Questions About Dash Evolution

    So, I have been reading about Dash Evolution, but am unsure about a couple of things. I do understand that there are all sort of technical advances here, but I am trying to get the main gist of it. From my understanding, it seems that Dash Evolution will be (among other things) a sort of...
  5. ScioMind

    Official Newcomer Introductory Video Release

    I like the cash register analogy....and I thoroughly enjoyed the digression as well!
  6. ScioMind

    Official Newcomer Introductory Video Release

    I thank you for the correction! Now I just need a REALLY easy way to explain that to others in a short simple way!
  7. ScioMind

    Official Newcomer Introductory Video Release

    Ah...I have been really busy lately and did not realize. Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully future videos or other PR will reflect these considerations.
  8. ScioMind

    Official Newcomer Introductory Video Release

    I have to agree with you, unfortunately. While "Bitcoin is neither private nor instant," as David said above, most people don't really KNOW that. Most people do NOT understand that Bitcoin is not private, and they don't understand WHY it is not private; furthermore, they do NOT know what it is...
  9. ScioMind

    Decentralized Budgeting Results

    At the risk of sounding ignorant, but much preferring to maintain honesty over appearances, I will say that I don't know/understand the mechanism by which I, as a Masternode operator am able to cast a vote through my Masternode. I did see that this issue was up for vote, and would have voted...
  10. ScioMind

    Which Masternode model should we implement?

    I ABSOLUTELY feel that a HIGH PRIORITY should be placed upon somehow anonymizing the IP/Identity of masternodes. By simply saying, essentially, "it's much easier to implement other desirable features if we do not to anonymize the masternodes," that is a disincentive to such anonymization. If...
  11. ScioMind

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    Regarding the Darkcoin logo (with the stylized arrow design) versus the new Dashcoin logo (inverted "C" with dash): The Darkcoin logo did have a "cool" factor to it, but there wasn't anything about it which really related to the coin itself, other than that it was based on the letter "D." The...
  12. ScioMind

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I also want to say that the new name is perfect, if widespread mainstream adoption is our goal - which, of course, it is. Also the simple logo with the inverted "C" with the dash in it is also perfect. Furthermore, the ticker symbol DASH would also be my choice, as it completely removes any...
  13. ScioMind

    Official Statement On Rebranding To Dash

    I think it would be more polite to say "Fork off!" LOL
  14. ScioMind

    Darkcoin's international expansion

    Esperanto is not dead...but I guess your impression that it might be dead says a lot about its general usefulness in common practice. It would be an incredible tool for uniting humanity if this very logical, simple, and yet remarkably expressive language were taught as a second language to...
  15. ScioMind

    Darkcoin's international expansion

    This might be a sort of funny question, but would an Esperanto translation be useful? Or simply a novelty?
  16. ScioMind

    Iptables for dummies?

    At current prices it's over $2000 per masternode...Hot/Cold wallets are definitely worth the extra time for security.
  17. ScioMind

    Looking for GOOD instructions for setting up a p2pool mining pool.

    As soon as I heard about the exploit that had been discovered I performed the mandatory update to my Masternode. I then proceeded to update my P2Pool-Drk. As promised I have created a complete, step-by-step guide for upgrading, for those who originally installed according to my guide. The...
  18. ScioMind

    Open Source Announcement and Future Plans

    I posted this earlier, and at the risk of redundancy, I'd just like to mention that the download page at has still not been updated since Sept 22. There are still different downloads for wallets with and without Darksend, as well as references to "Release...