Search results

  1. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    Update: I have secured Loomis as my armored car service. That's generally the biggest hitch. Since we were able to get it so early, the ATM may go live in the Spring! Please vote! gobject vote-many 5543f43e995ff36fc3c4d1c6c280c3aa4cc3bfe154604e2ffdaa55aa69460b63 funding yes
  2. thesavoyard

    Let's take a quick vote on proposal costs

    I know I've just spent a lot for my proposal. I think it should be a % of the amount asked. With a minimum amount to prevent spamming the Master node holders with votes. That would allow diversification of projects, from small to large! Maybe between 1% and 5% with a minimum of 5 Dash asked for...
  3. thesavoyard

    Distributeur automatique des Billets Dash a Lyon!

    Introduction Voter SVP gobject vote-many 5543f43e995ff36fc3c4d1c6c280c3aa4cc3bfe154604e2ffdaa55aa69460b63 funding yes Une pré-proposition pour l'installation d'un ATM Dash dans le centre-ville de Lyon. La France a un taux...
  4. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    It's an interesting concept a no-fee Dash ATM. I don't know how it would work though. Would you ask the Dash treasury to cover all the costs, from now until the end of the life of the ATM? There's a lot of work involved as well. Are you going to work on a volunteer basis, if so for how many...
  5. thesavoyard

    Introduction to my extraordinary proposal

    I'm not a master node holder but I like the idea. I also think you should tag on a translation fee. I'd do it for free but I don't speak German. Just a b1 level of French!
  6. thesavoyard

    Proposals I would like to see now :)

    I'd be more than happy to host a meetup in Europe. My in-laws own the 1810 Club in Saint Etienne. It's huge, there's a buffet, high-end restaurant with a pool for pool parties, the nightclub has 2 salons and upstairs there's a beautiful convention room. All catered. They have a large garden with...
  7. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    Thank you both for the feedback. In the EU Bitcoin ATMs have had variable success. France has a low adoption rate of cryptos, even among young tech-savvy people. I teach engineering students and most of them own no Bitcoin and are unaware of altcoins. So it is a little more risky than the US...
  8. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    My proposal is live, please go and vote! gobject vote-many 5543f43e995ff36fc3c4d1c6c280c3aa4cc3bfe154604e2ffdaa55aa69460b63 funding yes
  9. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    Thank you all three for the feedback! I think the idea of monthly usage reports is brilliant. It will help make decisions on later proposals, if ATMs are a good use of treasury funds! I'm going to wait until tomorrow before I officially submit the proposal, just to see if I get any more...
  10. thesavoyard

    (Pre-Proposal) DASHPayCard - DASH Branded Debit Card + Fiat/Dash Integration

    You can't profit share. The master nodes do not own the treasury money, they hold a vote to distribute it for the benefit of Dash. Not only does it violate Dash's intent for the master node system but probably runs afoul of bribery and corruption laws in many countries. Could you imagine a grant...
  11. thesavoyard

    A Dash brand ATM in downtown Lyon (70 Dash)

    Introduction Please vote!!! gobject vote-many 5543f43e995ff36fc3c4d1c6c280c3aa4cc3bfe154604e2ffdaa55aa69460b63 funding yes A pre-proposal to install a Dash branded ATM in Lyon city center. France has a very low adoption rate for cryptocurrencies. This leaves an opportunity to be the first...
  12. thesavoyard

    (Pre-Proposal) DASHPayCard - DASH Branded Debit Card + Fiat/Dash Integration

    @CharlieShrem Congratulations it looks like it passed! There is still roughly 5,000 Dash that will not be created this month for the promotion of Dash though!
  13. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    I also want you to be aware if there is profit sharing, then this is no longer a grant and is not what the Dash masternode vote was intended for.
  14. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    I would be willing to do a profit share if there are any profits with the Dash core business team. There would have to be outs written into the contract due to the high-risk nature of the business. But I will not bribe the master nodes to get the grant. Some people struggle with the concept of a...
  15. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    @Obusco Je suis desole! Toulouse is a very long and expensive trip from here. It's an eight hour drive with over 100 euros in tolls! The other cities are within day trip range! The ATMs are legal, I'm not sure what happened in Toulouse but I've spoken with the owners of the ATM in Montpellier...
  16. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    @Narroway Absolutely not, do the master nodes need to stop accepting profits related to Dash? If they give Grants they are also benefiting from the promotion of the money. As it stands, it could be a long while to profit from Dash ATMs. I would have to put in potentially years of work before I...
  17. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    Charlie's proposal is less reliant on expensive equipment. In order to increase Dash acceptability, I think we need to get a street level marketing. Not just mass marketing. No doubt Charlie's proposal will drastically increase exposure and acceptability. But it won't penetrate every region. In...
  18. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    I'd love to put a machine in Amsterdam! That's worth looking into. Berlin is a good idea as well, but much closer to General Bytes Eu branch so I'm not sure it isn't already done. I'd think at least 2 in France should be good?There currently aren't any machines in Lyon and it is a metro of 4...
  19. thesavoyard

    Pre-Proposal: ATMs in major French cities

    Introduction A pre-proposal to install Dash enabled ATMs in major French cities. France has a very low adoption rate for cryptocurrencies. This leaves an opportunity to be the first major accepted digital currency. One of the major barriers to Dash acceptance is fungibility. This proposal...
  20. thesavoyard

    We could do better with the proposals process.

    Being new I'd like to know, does a positive response here usually lead to approval? I'll be putting at least $500 on the line!