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  1. J

    Dash Core Group Q3 2019 Summary Call - Thursday, 14 November 2019

    Ryan Taylor, would you consider altering your title of CEO of Dash Core Group to eliminate the PR misunderstanding of Dash having a CEO, or do you believe the benefits of that title, from perhaps a business relations standpoint, outweigh that occasional PR misunderstanding?
  2. J

    Looks like MasterNodes and Miners are taking a stand...

    Yes, I too believe in flogging bad actors. However you can’t consider someone who hasn’t upgraded a bad actor per se. They are not trying to game the system and are still playing by the network rules for all intents and purposes. And yes, while larger testicles are always nice, I suppose I...
  3. J

    Looks like MasterNodes and Miners are taking a stand...

    I made a post before concerning a similar manner which didn't get much response so i'll repeat my thoughts here since the audience is more relevant now. Could we perhaps incentivize miners to update by temporarily increasing their block reward percentage from 45% to some higher figure for the...
  4. J

    Collateralized mining, revisited...

    I would say this is a topic certainly worth bringing awareness to. However it always boils down to a resource allocation thing. How far down the line do you believe we can we go before the reality of this concern manifests? Because im assuming the necessary R and D to make it happen would be...
  5. J

    Should Dash incentivize miners to update?

    This is a topic I think about during every new software update. If im not mistaken, it seems masternodes have always led the charge with upgrading their software to the latest version with miners lagging behind preventing the network from fully upgrading. Perhaps the network can incentivize...
  6. J

    Dash Business Model upgrade: Invest in start-ups

    Its an interesting idea. The first thing that comes to my mind though is how exactly could the network enforce collecting its ROI?
  7. J

    Starting a Masternode

    Tao's guide hands down
  8. J

    New website discussion

    Typo/ redundancy: CONSUMER FRIENDLY In Evolution, you will be able to connect directly with merchants to make purchases or even setup auto debits to pay for subscription services. Every merchant that integrates Dash will be searchable on the blockchain. You’ll...
  9. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    That I can agree with. Specifically how is the next question
  10. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    My other replies aside, this I feel is actually the true crux of your prepoposal and is what I should have been addressing. Just as you mentioned, "actors" must be defined. Additonally some sort of voting mechanism must be developed for these actors. I feel as though you have a great idea that...
  11. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    My mistake for getting sidetracked. The only problem I can foresee with that scenario is that while votes don't necessarily "count", there is no way to necessarily prevent fake votes. So while it wouldn't hurt to have a sort of snapshot of these actors, the fact that their integrity is...
  12. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    That's an interesting observation to ponder over and I can't prove you wrong. It is my opinion though that so long as Dash continues to grow in value, what is the problem? Assuming your assertion is true (and I'm not arguing that) Evan still has the most to lose.
  13. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    Yes the block reward will always be paid out. I'm saying that users heavily invested in the form of masternode collateral are incentivized to make decisions that serve to grow the value of the network as a whole. And again I have no issue opening that power to end users with less "at stake" so...
  14. J

    Pre-Proposal: Let all the actors (MNOs, Miners, Stakeholders) vote, then take into account only MNOs

    It's all an interesting idea. I will say though that the 1000 Dash collateral is still the biggest factor in play. Even if a person were to have enough masternodes a to earn enough to make more masternodes quicker than others, they are still bound by the incentive to maintain/grow the value of...
  15. J

    Do you think raising the vote threshold would increase masternode participation?

    Ive heard ideas to make voting part of the masternode' proof of service to collect their reward but I thought of an incentive from a different angle My thought process is that if the 10% threshold were simply higher, it would be harder for proposals to get passed, thus at some point masternode...
  16. J

    Matthew 7:6

    I can definitely agree with some of your points. Perhaps consider proposing the changes you speak of in the forum of the masternodes themselves. Not asking for funding, rather just to poll them. I feel as though it could at least put your thoughts and solutions in front of those who at least...
  17. J

    New website discussion

    This is just my opinion but with regards to the tagline under the main heading: The first truly decentralized digital money system I've always felt the buzzword "decentralized" is a word that most 'ordinary' people just can't quite resonate with. It doesn't mean much to them like it does to...
  18. J

    We Are Dash Nation

    tao's twitter handle creation, take 3: And an optional slight variant..
  19. J

    We Are Dash Nation

    Happy to hear feedback. I'll download the fonts and make a few quick adjustments...
  20. J

    We Are Dash Nation

    Yea I literally just whipped this up in MS Paint which doesn't have the gunship italic or noto sans font... :/