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  1. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    When I came to DASH at $3. A coin it was very hard to find on coin market cap rating. Since then we have come a very very long way so I feel great about our position. The whole coin cap ranking is wrong in my opinion anyway and I will explain why. You have a lot of fully pre-mined coins on...
  2. yocko

    Implement Zero-Knowledge transfers in Dash

    Hey buddy private send has come a long long way, yes it takes time to prepare the coins to send privately but once you have them prepared it is very quick and as easy as any transaction. I have noticed the speed of private mixing has greatly improved. Private send is not completely...
  3. yocko

    Should core decide if dash is opensource Evolution or should Mns decide ?

    Why do you spend so much time on the DASH forums spreading discord? It seems to me you are here hating on DASH and its innovation every day. Are you paid to be here?
  4. yocko

    dash treasury is not your rich dad

    I agree the facts remain that 90+% of new business fail in the first 12 months. However, we need to make the steps individually and and start chasing these successful businesses and put forward our own proposals once we have established the connection with the business and come to an agreement...
  5. yocko

    Should core decide if dash is opensource Evolution or should Mns decide ?

    Open source is the only way to go if the project is open source but with restrictions, we lose the advantage anyway through slight changes made to the code. Also what's to stop an anonymous dev team launching regardless? It's not like we could shut the project down even if we tried. Mastermind...
  6. yocko

    Should core decide if dash is opensource Evolution or should Mns decide ?

    Mate don't tell people not to post if they don't have a flag letting the world know they are a good target. I'm sure there is a huge chunk of the community who don't want to have a masternode badge and they own many many masternodes.
  7. yocko

    what happens in a total banking shutdown for crypto ?

    It was always localbitcoins for me, now local bitcoins and shapeshift. Hopefully, our dedicated p2p exchanges start getting used by the DASH community because I'm hanging to remove the bitcoin aspect completely. The banks know we are a serious threat now so they are going to try and crush us by...
  8. yocko

    Atomic Swaps for Dash

    I need to do some reading on Kyber Network, it sounds like the same thing as atomic swap. In Aussie slang the Kyber has a very different meaning. Lol you could call this the Kyber pass
  9. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Yes I'm aware of the shitcoin filter however I would like to see a total separation of technology by default. They could be on the same page just under seperate headings so people can be educated about the different technologies. This whole space is so new that its all called cryptocurrency...
  10. yocko

    Atomic Swaps for Dash

    This would be a great addition to DASH, anything that helps people in other cryptos move to DASH without using a centralised service is great! I for one would like to hear some feedback on this from dash core.
  11. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Only so much can be done at a time, I don't know your background so forgive me if I'm stating the obvious to you but development takes a long time and is very very difficult to speed up. DASH core are a team of over 60 now and working hard on the current goal. Once this goal has been achieved I...
  12. yocko

    Thoughts on Reverse Split or Redenominating DASH

    I think a proposal is the only way to get a true concensous of what stake holders want
  13. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    However poetic you put it it's still the same result. DASH has bitcoin covered on far more than transaction fees also, I cannot believe you would even try and compare the two suggesting transactions are the only benefit of DASH. How about: Instant transactions Private transactions Sub cent...
  14. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    You have a bubble growth mentality, this is about solid technology growing at a safe rate not a hype cash grab. Do you not believe if DASH rushed out evolution, started a smart contract direction with untested releases and people lose all their money to a single zero day this would not be...
  15. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    Ahhh the Jack of all trades master of none technique. But what about all the vulnerabilities? In a space that is trying to be money don't you think projects should be less broad and more rigorously tested? The crypto space is seeing some serious hacks due to new technologies with very little...
  16. yocko

    Why Dash will not be in the top 10?

    This is all about a usable product for the masses, if you think it should be an ICO and smart contract platform please tell me the last smart contract you used? Most people in this space won't use smart contracts ever! Most people in this space have done plenty of cash transactions! To reach...
  17. yocko

    do you think the escrow costs are high ?

    I am blown away that it's 10%. That is crazy! This should be a maximum of 1%, why 10% when peer to peer exchanges charge 1% for escrow? What a joke
  18. yocko

    Dash "stock split"

    Would this not be seen as a huge crash to the members of the cryptosphere we are targeting? After all these people don't understand coin supply versus price. The youtube experts will be shouting from the rooftops about DASH's tremendous instability and price crash to their millions of viewers...
  19. yocko

    were is our glorious leader

    Yeah but someone with hundreds of millions in untraceable digital currency is a lot easier to get than someone with a billion dollars in the bank.
  20. yocko

    Donating DASH from the budget to the Venezuelan people

    No im not missing the point I think you are. They are in this situation because their government keeps printing money so the people are losing massively per day, also the have restrictions on how much cash they can remove from their banks trapping them. Their core problem is the government...